2011 | 24 Hours of Nordschleife

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Hey Remco isnt there a system that kick spectators after more then 2 laps for example or after a couple of minutes. Really think we need those bluddy spectators off the server. There is teamspeak to communicate with the driver and live feed so really dont understand why people spectate. Livetiming did work on my site on all the events we did in the rdlms series. Oke sometimes it needs to be refreshed other then that we had it all the way.
So we are supposed to plan our tactics and driver shifts during the race? Let me explain. Drivers that are more comfortable driving at night (that includes better FPS) will change their sleep patterns in advance to be fresh and ready for the night stints. Tires will be have differently too. It would be good to know in advance about the ingame race start to know when it's going to get dark no the track.

Welcome to RaceDepartments first 24hr Endurance race. From the start this race will be an 'ultimate challenge', not only a 24Hr endurance, but 24hrs of 'Green Hell'! The Nordschleife brings its own very special demands to an event of this scale, careful planning and preperation along with determination and a cool head are needed here, but more than this, sheer will to see the race through to the end.

Simracings greatest challenge awaits.....


Driver/Team Checklist:
-You are a Licensed RD Member
-Practised on the server with other cars
-Tested PC performance
-Practised driver swaps
-Assigned the buttons for starter and ignition
-Removed high risk plugins (rFdynahud, Leos, TV Style etc)

10:00 GMT - Drivers Briefing - Mandatory
10:40 GMT - Official Warmup
11:40 GMT - To the grid
11:45 GMT - Formation Lap
12:00 GMT - Race start - 24hr

Click here to check your time zone

Server Settings
- TC Allowed
- Auto Clutch Allowed
- Damage 80%
- Race Start ingame: 14:00
- Race Time Scale: Normal

Drivers Briefing
This is a mandatory meeting on TS3 where 1 member of each team needs to be present, preferable the team owner. If he is occupied then a driver of the team can step in.
Here will be explained the guideline for the race and what we expect from the teams. Of course questions can be asked but there is no room for discussions.
TS Channel: Briefing Room

Official Warmup
In this session, only the driver that will start the race for each team is allowed on track. Which means 1 car per team. THE DRIVER THAT QUALIFIED IS THE DRIVER THAT STARTS THE RACE AND JOINS THIS SESSION! Grid positions will be loaded during this session, make sure you are in the server at least a half hour before the next session, To the grid.

To the grid
After warmup the Pitlane will be open for 2 minutes, in this timeframe you need to drive out of the pitlane, make a short GP lap and position yourself on your gridspot. Your assigned gridspot is marked with a red square. If for whatever reason you can't leave the pitlane within the 2 minutes, you will have to start the formation lap from the pitlane at the end of the pack.

Formation lap
At the moment the pitlane closes, there is a 4 minute countdown before the formation lap will start. It is very important to shutdown your engine so it will not overheat. After the 4 minutes, the normal startlight procedure will follow. The Pacecar will start the full Nurburgring single file formation lap and every car needs to stay behind the pacecar in their position. Each class will have his own pacecar, 2 pacecars in total.
Overtaking during the formation lap is stricktly forbidden.
Drivers needs to keep a reasonable distance between eachother, bumper to bumper is not allowed.
Swaying is allowed, but when you spin you must stand still and let the whole pack pass. Then you can continue the formation lap at the back of the pack.
At the end of Tiergarten, the long backstraigth, the pace car will slow down so everybody can get in line.
The Pace car will give the GO and then will drive into the pitlane and the race will start. No overtaking before start finish.


Sportmanship is a high priority for this race, the demanding track does not have place for over aggressive drivers.
Overtaking/Lapping the slower class/driver must be done with patience. The slower car stays on his driving line and the faster car needs to wait an find the opportunity to overtake. Drivers that disrespects the slower cars will be penalized heavily.

In the 3rd lap of the race, penalties will be given to the teams that did not show up on the qualification.

Normal RD rules applies for this race, no exceptions.

During the race, teams will have to perform a minimum of 6 mandatory driver swaps. Any team that fails to perform the mandatory number of swaps will get a D.Q after the race. For teams PC sharing, you will have to perform your swaps in the designated zone, in the beginning of the pitlane, and must be stationary for at least 10s.

Any additional swaps above the mandatory number do not have to be performed in the designated zone. When a driver intends to make a pit stop, we ask that they put their lights on at the end of Tiergarten to inform all other cars that they are pitting.
Your lights must remain on for the whole stop until they are up to speed and past the exit of T1.
Drivers must also stick to the pit road until they need to move across to slow down to enter their box. Drivers should not move across early in case they hit another driver who has been moved due to a pit box error.

The Pitlane entry used is the official entry when leaving the Nordschleife.
In case of severe damage of the car on the GP track, you are allowed to enter the GT pitlane entry and do your stop. This is only for safety and will be penalized heavily when abused. After your stop make a full lap on the Nords to complete your lap.

There will be a broadcast during the whole event with live commentators and cameraman. If drivers or teamowners would like to have an interview or share your experience of the race, you are very welcome to enter the Green Room on TS.

Final note
We hope all competing teams and drivers enjoy this very first 24 hour race here at RaceDepartment.
RD wishes all the teams and the broadcasting crew the best of luck during this very demanding event!

Currently we use Liveracers for livetiming. As it has proven not being stable in this stage we have decided to go with another service, Rfactormonitor.

Rfactormonitor is a stand alone program that runs on your PC, you can download it here.
Unzip the folder anywhere on your harddisk, and run the rFactorMonitor.exe file.
Click action and then connect. In the window Connect Options, select relay server and fill in the server details.

Server details can be found here. Currently the server is not running but will be sorted before the event ofcourse.

Enjoy! :)
Well done explaining everything!! Just 1 question though... Isn't it easier to say 20/30 carlength instead of a 10 second gap between GT2 leader, and the last of the GT1?

Now all i can say is: Good luck to every participant and special thanks to the organizers of this great event!! It's going to be a blast!!!
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