2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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You can be assured "The Wizard" sees everything,and corrects things with a swift swish of his wand...(ooerr,that came out wrong)...:p :becky:

LOL, not everything is from the hand of The Wizard :)
In this case, our dear Race Director's can handle it them self.

PS. I just read the briefings; amazing stuff in there. Some guys really need to cool down during the race. lol
Skinpack problem (solved)

i have just reinstalled race and have added the skinpack, but every time i try to join the server, i get a min dump. i tried removing the skins and it loads ok.

any help please i have been looking forward to Brands and now i cant race :(
Well I havent run a series race since the Mini Series. So this should be some fun getting pre-qualified and then into the race. Ive been practicing a bit, cause ive seen the level of competition so far and its incredible.

I was wondering about one thing though. I am clean about remaining on the track, but corner #1 I believe (has the green run off)....is a little unclear to me. Im hoping an RD staff member could clear this up for myself and possibly anyone else who may be unclear.

Id also like to say hello to anyone who may remember me, but specifically to Attila Domjan. I see you are still ripping it up and running as fast as you were before. You sir are one talented driver, keep up the good work.

Anyways, im excited to be back racing again, especially among such talented sim racers. Cant wait to see you all on the track.

Keith Barrick

***Edit*** So after about 45 laps of practicing, im down to 1:33.460.... my consistency is lacking because ive run laps where I would be .5 to .6 under that and just not been able to finish. I know im capable of a 1:32.8 and on a perfect lap 1:32.5 MAYBE. I put this up to get a guage of where people feel qualifying times will like for group #1.

So I ask....what do you guys think fastest pre-qual will be? Which alien is capable of doing 1:30.9?
Hey Keith, nice to c u again with us!

Re the green outrun from the exit of turn one, yes, you are allowed to use it, just as in real life.

About qualy times, yes, the competition is intense, but thats how we love it! I believe the cut for group 1 will be below 1:33.5. But 1:30.9, naaaaah... 1:31.9 i know i possible with a BMW, so thats the max i expect for the top, but i think any time within 1:32 is assurance for group 1, so there is no real point in getting out the max in this pre-qualy here for the top bimmer guys, unless the pride of being at the top of the list. :)
Attila, great to hear from you again. Thanks for the info on the times, ive been killing myself trying to get quicker and its good to know im close. All im aiming for is group 1, then just some good racing.

I had initially made a team on the old site....however due to real life racing and my teammate bailing....I quit the team and applied to run in the Single Drivers. I am still awaiting conformation on GPCOS for that.

Im still terrible with the setups of these cars...for some reason the changes that should work for what I would like the car to do, seem to do just the opposite. Ive found myself now running the Simbin setup with only 4 changes and it seems to be working.

Attila, you happen to have MSN? If so, Id love to chat with ya and possibly do some test runs sometime this week. Just PM me the info if you do, or if there is another method of quick communication.

Anyways its 12:44am here in Canada, so I should be getting to sleep. Ill talk with you later.

Keith Barrick
GPCOS acceptance is done, and my msn is in my forum profile, but i hardly use it, pm works better. :) I doubt i will have too much time for testing this week, was happy to find 1-2 hours to do the pre-qualy itself. :)

Ooooookido, back to topic, pre-qualy experiences, thoughts, frustrations and joys! :)
I have one question - why 3 people already in pre-qualification are discqualified? They didnt follow the rules? Ok of course they didnt follow:) But the question is which rule was not taking care? Racing out of the truck?

Thanks for explanation:)
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