2008 RD Touring Car Championship (RACE 07)

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Awesome video and great graphics in them!! Really enjoyed watching the race (looked the other way in some other cases but that is not the fault of the cameraman :D)
I could really feel the adrenaline coming back seeing my fight with Alessandro again. That was so fair and so tough, real racing and big repect for my oponent during that race.

Bookmarked this vid, thanks :thumb:
Lu Chan, thanks for the video. I loved watching it and I bookmarked it also. This is so much better then watching the replay and see my own boring race lol. Keep up the good work...
  • Chris Noble

Lol good vid! caught the crazy pile up at the start!

My car is showing as a Default skinned Honda Accord 06 in that vid, but my replay of that race shows my car being the RD Single Drivers team skinned Honda Accord 07. odd one!

Caught my switch back move also with that white chevy!
10sec penalties in briefings

Hi, in the incident review from Estoril, a lot of drivers got 10sec penalties. I would like to understand how they apply: is it 10sec added to their finishing positions for that race? If so, are they going to be reflected in the GPCOS official results (they don't seem to be at the moment)?

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