Improved Visuals Pure CS filter. Screen and VR ppfilter

Improved Visuals Pure CS filter. Screen and VR ppfilter v2.21

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I am trying to keep updates to a minimum. I know it must be annoying to download updates all the time. I really had to adjust color temperatures because they were too orange sometimes. Also adjusted VR brightness just a tiny bit.
Adjusted the VR filter to lower headlights at night so driving behind other cars with headlights on does not blind you. Also adjusted daytime brightness. It was too dark.

Newest Pure was just released (0.154) so I am including a pdf to show you how to adjust night time brightness for individual maps/tracks that you can save and can be loaded up automatically.
Completely reworked. Including several versions like simple light and a filter for darker maps without street lights like LAC. Also introducing our VR filter which I tested on and dialed in for Oculus 2. Unfortunately, I don't have access to any other VR headsets. I really hope it works with others.

The reason behind making a filter for VR because Oculus 2's dynamic range is just very poor compared to a decent monitor. Usually, my filters always looked too bright or too dark yet when I peeked at my monitor everything looked fine. Now, this filter resolves a LOT of the issues but might look a little bit off when you stream to other people who are watching on a screen.


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Small update for the latest Pure release. Had to adjust the minimum night time brightness.
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Even tho it was listed that it was fixed I never realized that I forgot to upload the new file so here it is
As the title states. Fixed a couple of things
Tunnels on LAC were too dark so updated VAO settings. Tunnels on shutoku look fine.

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