- Post race penalties/Disqualifications taken account of in final standings
- Penalties don't yet affect league results
- BUGFIX: Teams created with no code cause an exception
- BUGFIX: Leaderboard sectors with time 0 treated as fastest
- Penalties - Manually add/change display
- BUGFIX: Teams not displaying correctly in leaderboard
- BUGFIX: Empty leaderboard sectors treated as fastest
- Accidents - more detail of involved participants/times
- BUGFIX: Car/Track history not displayed
- BUGFIX: League points dialog not visible
ACC Results Companion V1.13.0 Released (here)
- Custom league race types/points
- Option to disable the close button
- Improved detection of multi-driver teams in MP rac es
- Leaderboards - If GoogleDrive throws an error, the operation will be retried. If unsuccessful, all downloaded results so far will be committed
- Leaderboards - report the underlying GoogleDrive error
- Fix race records for resumed SP races
- Brake bias offset for Porsche 991 ii
- Fix session fastest lap on session summary
- Car/Track History - Option to display fastest laps from each session only
- Car/Track History - Exclude In/Out laps will also exclude lap 1 for non-Hotstint/hotlap sessions)
- Fix player identification where name in server list does not match driver name
- Fix player car highlight displaying player laps the first time
- Player car highlight differentiates between drivers (Blue=player, grey other team member)
- Option to manually identify player driver if not automatically possible
- Where player name is different from server entry list, the server entry will be shown in tooltip
- Ensure all team members may be shown in leaderboard (not just the fastest)
- Car/Track history now excludes other team members
- Ensure Fix Session forces a refresh in the sessions list
- Updated help
Fix blacklist - If entry from local race (SP or MP) blacklisted, it will blacklist all local results
- Rework leaderboard
- Address performance issue
- BUGFIX: Minor possibility of wrong track being reported
- BUGFIX: Player name not reported in single player (SRO driver was reported instead)
- Specify overrides for results summary pop-up
- Log settings moved to log page
- Filter on backups page
- Minor changes to leaderboard blacklist filtering
ACC Results Companion V1.12.2 Released (here)
- Only perform DB maintenance periodically for faster startup (default 30 days)
- Pause ARC leaderboard downloads when ACC active
- Fix MP Fuel calculation
- Fix MP team driver identification (player was assumed to always be driver 0)
- Speculative fix for MP team - non-player stint
- Suppress repeating UDP retry messages
- Leaderboards - only records against active driver (not all in team)
- Fuel calculation - De-fuelling in pit greatly affecting consumption figures
- In/Out laps no longer taken account of for fuel calculations
- If these have affected you, press the Recalculate button on the fuel page
- Diagnostic fix: Report conditions when spectating or a driver waiting for a stint in a multi-driver team
Re-issuing zip - I think the last one might have been missing something
- Tyre sets information (Initial, maximum, minimum, average temperatures and pressures)
- Add wheel rotation for each car to Fuel page
- Remove Porsche Cup real world records from Oulton Park (they were for Island layout)
- Imola not recognised in Turkish
- Fix lap sort order when switching sessions
- Fix Ignore ARC Leaderboard
- Fix error in fuel parse when driver stint times are long
- Suspension damage
- Rework fuel calculation
- Fix parent track filter on sessions, results statistics, car/track history
- Increase track drop down size in Change Track Year dialog
- Incorrect fuel calculation for some tracks (bringing in stats from the tracks in alternate years)
- Air/Road temp in leaderboard
- Tyre temperatures/pressures now an average over the lap (rather than end of lap figures)
- Prevent crash on startup if last displayed tab page is hidden
- Fix saving hidden tab pages
- Fixed Porsche GT3 ECU maps
- Uruguay/Madagascar added as driver countries
- CSV export added to league and circuits pages
- Fix league filter in sessions
- Fix points for multi-class races
- Tyre set indicator on session laps
- Fuel calculator will now detect 2020 versions of tracks
- Fix brand logo for McLaren on Circuits page
- Leaderboard CSV export
- Store tyre compound names used for session
- Determine if 2020 track based on tyre set
- Implement Brake Bias change for Porsche Cup car
- Option to launch ACC in VR mode
- New shared memory fields captured (track grip/rain intensity)
- Fix mixed GT3 results for British GT tracks
- Leaderboard - Jump to player now centered in list
- Option to hide pages
- Expand combobox drop list list widths for maximum size of text
- Fix incorrect label for cicuit
- Performance improvement for displaying leaderboards
- BUGFIX: Non-ARC drivers from multiplayer races excluded from leaderboard (zero fuel)
- Support for British GT circuits
- 2020 versions of ICGT circuits
- Optional notes for sessions
- Add to teams from Laps list
- Enrich brake bias for SP race
- Restore pages to state when closed
- Option to clear all saved settings on certain pages
- Increase combo box size for track filter to accommodate longer track names
- Session car will now show as "N/A" rather than "Unknown Car" if no player laps completed (to differentiate from error condition)
- Help button
- Delete sessions (and fix/change year) should respect session filters in place
- Allow leaderboard download to be paused
- Fix cropping of track/car images
- Discount leaderboard records with zero fuel (avoids some suspicious results)
- Find player in Leaderboard
- BUGFIX: Result Statistics podium positions not recorded correctly
- BUGFIX: Session changes sometimes records a spurious practice session containing the last lap of the previous session
- Help updated
- Championship/League page
- Filter sessions by league
- Leaderboard driver filter
- Recalculate results statistics button
- Updated help (F1)
- BUGFIX: Benign error message on closing form
- Child forms are positioned relative to main form - if main moves, child forms will move with it
- Form re-position message only written when form closed
- Better alignment on some controls when main form re-sized