- Live Leaderboard Widget Updates
- Stop car crossing line jumping to front
- Improved Jaguar icon
- Position deltas activated
- Calculated gaps now more accurate
- Improve player line visibility
- Most fields now coloured to class to make more visible
- Live Leaderboard Widget
- Damage Widget - option for detailed damage breakdown
- Leaderboard. Save row limit and 0 = unlimited
- BUGFIX: Leaderboard alignment - rank truncated
- BUGFIX: Leaderboard - re-instate blacklists
- BUGFIX: Fix tyre sets dialog for SP races
- BUGFIX: Car/Track History - Fix optimal lap
- BUGFIX: Add back the installation folder option
- BUGFIX: Move ACC Data Folder Fixed
- Help updated
- BUGFIX: Restarted/new session not re-initialising UDP correctly (session discarded)
Known issues:
- For SP races after restart, the UDP isn't initialised until the end of the first lap (the point at which it recognises UDP isn't set up properly)
- Leaderboards/Circuits: Add timestamp and ACC version to each row, where known
- BUGFIX: Column ordering not working on list column selection if key column flagged as hidden
- BUGFIX: Player nationality/category incorrect in leaderboard if "Display Original Driver Names" selected
- BUGFIX: If server results folder invalid, ARC cannot find ACC Data Folder
- Selecting List view columns
- List of available columns (right click on header) now ordered by chosen columns, then hidden columns in alphabetically order
- When hidden column is added, is it now added as the last column
- Start of rework of retrieving results (aim to remove UI freezes while DB updates occur)
- Some results now asynchronously retrieved
- Rework of UDP session handling - aim to ensure broadcast sessions don't become "stuck"
- Spectator sessions now supported
- Fixed format laps CSV export fixed
- Optionally display virtual driver name (SP)
- Car brands added to laps
- LFM incident points displayed in damage widget
- Timestamp added to ARC leaderboard records so you can filter on when the records where made (and by implication which release they were on)
- BUGFIX: Last lap of previous hotstint creates new session
- Speed up initialisation - non-critical tasks made asynchronous
- Enrich all columns for SP race laps (brake temps etc)
- Ensure app closes if cancel pressed from User Profile dialog
- Enforce 96 DPI and turn off auto-scaling for other resolutions
- Updated help - how to improve blurry text at other resolutions
- BUGFIX: All listbox columns have sizing restrictions removed
- BUGFIX: Fix broadcast error message when starting ARC when ACC is already in session
- BUGFIX: Fix error when getting confirmation message box when deleting a session
- BUGFIX: Last lap of previous hotstint creates new session
- Widget appearance shows all selected widgets rather than a test widget
- Optimal time added to lap times widget
- Race lap 1 no longer eligible for best lap (an attempt is made to adjust for ACC random offset, and this is not reliable)
- Damage widget added
- Only allow one instance of widget appearance dialog
- All tooltips now wrap rather than being one long line
- ARC CPU now reported to 1 decimal place
- BUGFIX: CPU widget not initialised correctly until appearance dialog displayed
- BUGFIX: Fix settings tooltips
- BUGFIX: Suppress error message when double clicking row in Circuits when in display average mode
- BUGFIX: Ensure app closes if user profile selection cancelled on startup
- Move to .NET Framework 4.8
- Switch app to 64 bit executable
- 2021 tracks made defaults for everything except GT3 cars with DHD2 tyres
- Reworked widgets
- Now all common look/feel
- Customise foreground/background colours and fonts
- Shared memory widget
- Lap times widget
- Current/Last/Best in session/Fastest in session/Personal Best/Average
- BUGFIX: Broadcast sessions not being closed correctly - possible resource leak
- BUGFIX: Tab labels not showing
- Fix font colour contrast defaults - prevent white text on white background
- Remove BMW M4 ECU mode 9
- Allow position of widgets to be saved
- ARC CPU usage widget
- Tyre Sets window has option to remain on top (to be used for comparison in ACC setup)
- Tyre Sets title shows the session description the tyre sets are for
- Brake Temperatures/compounds added to laps
- Brake Temperatures/compounds added to post session tyre set dialog
- Friendlier name for installed desktop shortcut
- Adjustment to font contrast setup (configure by colour)
- Fuel Widget
- ACC 1.8 : Add BMW M4 GT3 (including ECU map analysis)
- ACC 1.8: Add 2021 tracks (2021 tracks now default if DHE tyres detected)
- BUGFIX: Session total time was finish time of last car on same lap as leader - Now leader time
- New optional fields on lap (accurate only to broadcast interval plus broadcast latency...eg 1/10 second for broadcast interval of 100)
- Lap 0 timestamp (offset from leader car crosses start line on lap zero)
- Real timestamp (calculated timestamp at end of lap)
- Lap completed timestamp (timestamp from ACC)
- Real duration (Total session time for car)
- ECU Maps Analysis - AMG GT3 EVO, AMG GT4, Ferrari EVO, Porsche 991 II
- ECU Maps - Remove minimum width of columns
- Detect session change when not active driver
- Circuits: Fix non-heatmap view of times (Correctly highlight only fastest laps/sectors)
- Final standings: Fix positions when double clicking on driver
- Laps: Change player/all cars/final standings radio button when double clicking on player
- Fix initial sorting of Final Standings (always by position) when opening ARC/changing session
- BUGFIX: Qualifying positions in final standings not ordered by time
- CPU Threshold - actions to take on high CPU
- Leaderboards: Fix Blacklist filter
- Leagues: Optionally ignore driver short name when grouping results
- Shared memory: More diagnostics in error conditions
- BUGFIX: Team filter in leaderboards not returning results
- Leaderboards Teams filter improved performance
- Car/Track History - Export to CSV
- BUGFIX: Blacklisted session not displayed correctly
- BUGFIX: Blacklist - blacklisting driver in local race would blacklist all race participants