- Remove spurious tracks from list (incorrectly based on car names, eg amg_gt3 etc)
- Hide reserved track names (eg UNKNOWN)
- Hide reserved car names from Manual Input (eg Unknown Car, N/A)
- Prevent error on manual time input where locale uses comma decimal separator (eg in mainland Europe)
- BUG: Race positions is session overview always one higher than finishing position
- BUG: Fatal error when ACC folder not found (Look in My Documents first and better error handling added)
- BUG: Errors when handling manual input times cause application to terminate
- Better error handling
- Prevent times being added when no car/track/session added
- Added in new cars for 2019 DLC with images etc
- Added Zandvoort track image
- Update car codes from shared memory (Kunos change all these in the update)
- Fixed occasional threading issue when processing a results file
- Updated some older car images
- Upgrade process should attempt to recognise new cars in previous sessions and update these in the stats
- Changes to prepare to 2019 DLC (allow dynamic storing of new cars until the names, codes and images are known)
- Bug fix: Issue if previous session started but abandoned without any laps - caused next session to become confused and potentially store session against incorrect car/circuit
- Fix bug where shared memory session (eg online/hotlap) not recorded after running non-hsared memory session (eg hotsint, SP race etc)
- Allow the ACC data folder to be set via a field on the settings page, if not in the default location
- Online sessions, hotlaps and practice now supported via shared memory stats (client side only at the moment)
- Renamed points columns to match cup categories
- Tooltips on more controls
- Alignment with file format changes ACC 1.0.8-1.0.10
- Session overview of total time/laps incorrect
- Session backup uses player, not winning, car
- Session completion now automatically updates Circuit (fastest lap) page
- Backup file improvements:
- Session backup uses player, not winning, car
- Backups ordered with new files at top
- Track column uses names not codes
- Championship backups now more descriptive
- Remove replay option for championship until a better mechanism is available
- Mechanism added to handle when resuming previously saved sessions (see Overview on how this is used as it is not fully automatic)
- Downgraded certain expected championship conditions from error to warning
- Fix sessions with same session start information (eg multiple qualifying rounds) pointing to the same laps
- Fix recording fuel on manual entries
- Sorting improved on laps list view
- Memory optimisations processing very large files
- Position in session overview corrected to leaderboard position for race/qualifying
Version 0.3.0
- Properly support result file structure change since 1.0.7
- Support for all cars (rather than player only)
- Store driver information
- Fix for manual entry (entries not stored after v0.2.3)
- Backup DB on version roll
- Store driver information
- Backup file housekeeping
- Allow deletion of sessions
- Replay all result files to support above
- Improved error logging
- Various stability fixes
- Fix mapping for 2015 Bentley in championship
- Fix for sessions with identical start conditions being rejected
- Additional optional session weather/grip columns added
V 0.2.2
- Fix issue where ACC data folder not found if it is not in the default location
- Update data model in preparation for storing more session weather data