Hi !Hi Pyyer,
I really like this update. The track looks so great! My questions is, how does one remove the F1 skin or theme(for lack of a better term perhaps). Not a big deal with Zandvoort as there are so many version out there, but I like the original theme of tracks for track days etc, How to track would look day to day outside big events and only use the F1 sponsorship etc when I'm actually racing F1 cars. The proper theme for the right use. Maybe I'm going overboard for realism here.
Perhaps your substantial track updates could be one release and the F1 theme or layout in another? As you can tell I'm not up to speed for how all this is implemented and if there is an easy way to do this which is why I'd thought I'd ask. Just don't want to loose the base/general track theme for one that is just F1-centric. Hope that made sense, but I think this is why I've been resistant using these extensions. Sure can't beat the quality of these updates though, which why I thought I should get on the bandwagon Thanks so much for putting in so much effort with these! Please don't take my question as criticism in any way, it's just MY confusion.
In the ext_config.ini there is this entry :
[INCLUDE: ext_config-pyyer-zandvoort2020.ini]
Just replace "ACTIVE = 1" with "ACTIVE = 0" to disable the extension