Worried about AMS2

I purchased AMS2 two days ago. So far I am enjoying this sim, however, I am concerned about its acceptance. I am a terrible sim racer. I enjoy it, but I am not a natural. With that said, I actually hold some of the quickest times on the leader boards. What this tells me is that there isn't very many people racing this game. At least that are being recorded in the Time Trials.

If this sim is not adopted could this put Reiza in financial trouble, and in turn cause this game to be unsupported? Or is it common for racing sims to start off slow and pick up steam?
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Yeah different lobbies, do you have Steam friends who play AMS2? Invite them to race. That's what happens quite a lot.

That is what I want to do, but none of my friends will purchase the game after they read the game comments. I assure them that the game is great, and that many of the issues will be fixed, but still can't get them to bite. I remind them that Steam has a 2 hour return window, and they still are not interested. I sure hope releasing the game in a less than finished state doesn't end up being the downfall of this great sim.

I finally talked one of them into buying the game, and I noticed he is past the return time ;) (6.9 hrs on record). He is actually having a good time running the Sprints. I pointed him to the cars I felt had the best feel to keep him away from the least polished cars like the Camaro (which he would have tried first).
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The problem, in my view, is that simracing market is already a bit satured. And some games are consolidated in it for years, with a big and loyal fanbase, that is very reluctant to change their favorite sim. Therefore it will always be a difficult task for a new game to become a success in this niche.

Also, don't know if I'm wrong on this, simracers want to race the game that professional drivers and famous youtubers are racing, and none of them are racing AMS2 frequently.

Personally, I'm enjoying AMS2. Graphics and the immersion are very good, many cars are really fun to drive, and the tracks are very challenging. It is now my sim for offline races.

The potential for becoming a more popular game is there. I think that Reiza just needs to fix the AI and improve the multiplayer to give the game a boost.
That is what I want to do, but none of my friends will purchase the game after they read the game comments. I assure them that the game is great, and that many of the issues will be fixed, but still can't get them to bite. I remind them that Steam has a 2 hour return window, and they still are not interested. I sure hope releasing the game in a less than finished state doesn't end up being the downfall of this great sim.
Well then they aren't the right people for AMS2 then clearly.
  • Deleted member 963434

tey have good engine from SMS pcars 2 makers, wit SETA tyre model, its truly next gen sim. remember when i first time opened v8 supercar in it, me at bitbox, in garage, start up engine, (whats that sound?) awesome raw sound, so raw like i can tell difference between every rpms,
then i run f3 brazil i told myself, i never saw sometin like tis, its the best game for me right now for open wheelers, i mean pc2 have renault 3,5 too artifical feeling, asseto corsa have too much understeer in lotus exos 125, but AMS2 an F3 brazil such a blast, so natural feel, like drivin real life gokart for me
Bought the game in EA and played it some, tried in 1.0 and lot patience with it; found the drive experience to be worse in some ways than EA - no road feel, cars seemed to pivot from the centre rather than actually turn - that kind of stuff.

Became utterly pissed off with rf2 last week, so fired up AMS2 with the Silver 6.xxxxx custom ffb; AMS2 has become my main sim (along with AC for Vintage racing).

I only play(ed) 4 sims, rf2, AC, AMS2 and R3R and of the 4 I find AMS2 is the best overall package of a sim.

The ffb and physics can't touch rf2, but the in-game experience blows rf2 out of the water. HUDs are customisable, AI is consistent and leagues better than rf2, the GUI is clean and works.
From what I've just seen I can setup a quick lobby and race with friends without losing my mind setting up servers?

Across the board AMS2 out-of-the-box is better than AC, with the exception of modding and Vintage racing; which is what keeps me in AC.

I don't play ACC due to the specificity of its content; I don't like GT3 and AMS2 has a wider range of choice and will soon be adding GT3 from what I've read.

R3R since Dec 19; least said soonest mended.

It's not the best sim in all aspects (it doesn't need to be), and it still has a lot of work ahead of it but as a package it's already incredibly good.

Personally, in the space of 6/8-weeks I've gone from regretting my initial purchase to playing AMS2 as my main sim.
  • Deleted member 197115

Already on sale? That was quick.
Does the beta version have different mp lobbies? Quite often for me there are zero lobbies in the steam. I started my own as I had read and no one joined.

I give you like as this is what everyone where possible should do

What happens then is a couple join your room and you work
out who has best connection ..etc etc

League types could do the same help people get up to speed
donate a few hours a month
IMO, this is a no brainer at this price. I would be great if others away from the AMS board knew about this sale.

Indeed, I saw this price yesterday and immediately yanked out my wallet... but as it turns out the price was even better than that for me! Since I already own AMS1, buying the AMS1+2 bundle on Steam proved to be even cheaper ($22.99) *and* I happened to have about four bucks in my Steam wallet from selling those digital trading cards I can't otherwise find a use for. New sim for less than twenty? You've twisted my arm enough Reiza, I'm in!
I for one only race online and so far didn't really use AMS2 because there are no leagues still. Now next week I will be participating in the first league. Maybe this is something that will pull me in.

Also I must admit I bought AMS2 in EA thinking I wouldn't touch it for 6 - 12 months until it is actually finished. Maybe others had the same in mind.
Earlier I stated ACC was my go to sim. However, with the patches it has become AMS2. Combine that with the race last night on ACC where the AI punted me 3 times and I get slammed on my safety rating. Note to AI....Simple physics, 2 solid objects cannot occupy the same space. The AI in AMS2 has become rather good. Inconsistent depending on car and track, but at least they know you are there to an extent, and if they do hit you it isn't an automatic spin out.

On a different note where it is my fault .. kind of. I think the ACC devs introduced some "brake check" code to the AI, and the laugh every time someone like me gripes about the AI slamming on their brakes in a straight way when you are following too close to the car in front ;).

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