I see two possible use for VS engine*, both with a post race replay analysis: the first one is using the incident evaluation to calculate the safety rating (SR) so as to minimise the situations in which a blatantly one sided incident gives a 50/50 penalty to involved players (for services like WSS and LFM).
The second possibile one is analysing the behaviour of every player, give it a score and then proceed to automatically ban for (1/7/30) days players depending on the score. This would be more targeted to servers like Krreritas' but you can see why it's dangerous: a failure and they could get hundreds of people banned.
BUT, before anyone put this online it must be tested, which means taking many, many replays, looking for incidents and seeing if the results are the expected ones, and this cannot be automated.
Second BUT: I don't think servers that run all day long actually save the replay files, they are just too big.
*As of now it's just a simple formula.
the second one. is the one hat makes a difference.
And yes- thats y Krerritas must Group up...with others ike euroracers&Co.
Whatever receipt u have- only works with community.
The servers dont have to run replays all day.
Just a half day or a quarter day. As also its kinda "half automated" for sure- there wont be a full automated solution ever...that cant and must not be.
Thats the 5% work, the damn commuinty has to do with its own hands...^^
I mean.....basically u "just need a driving lane + time stamp?" per player...?
(i know...just...in very easy words...)
And then u reproduce it somewhere in a graphical environment?
I am not in "the thing"...but just for dispute:
would u be able to connect your tool ike any other telemetry tool to a server?
Your tool does not analyze a video stream ya?
But "telemetrie - data" (sry, i am very NOT in this....)
So your actual Data mining is not this big spoken in KB/MB/GB..?
IF u(community) can get 1 of 10 shitbags a day....and automated share bans with oher groups,
soon shitbags will only be able to play with other shitbags on some shitbags servers.
Thats the way it works and thats the way u can make a difference- as shitbag always stay shitbags - but your tool gets more and more automated- less work then for u actually.
Still....i have this:
2 proliant g8/g9 root servers designed for multiiple virtual hosting in esxi(vmware) environments.......lately i had win11 installed....bitcomet...as me new VR i HAD TO get hands on some 8K porns......ahahahaha...hmja...
And its not about the 934 down...but the upload is, what makes this capable of really do serious working at my place.......
The servers are desgined to be fuly administrated remote......and i think the g9 runs atm with 256GB DDR4 smoot ram + tons of harddrive space.....