Hi FlamingRed, I couldn't find screenshots but I found this in the
Rule Changes.txt. The ones in the brackets are from Frontend.txt. I am curiousness are normal width slick better then wide slicks or is that wrong too?
Tyres,Tyres,34,TRUE,Normal Width Slick Tyres,PSG_10004430,4,PSG_10006364,Source = TyreTypes,TyreSpeed(40); TyreType(Normal),,,TeamBudgetHigh,TeamBudgetLow
["Politics","RuleDescription","","HUDText","The second-highest performance tyres, slicks allow the teams to go very quickly around the track. This performance comes at a cost, however, with the tyres costing {TyreCost} per race.","PSG_10006364"]
Tyres,Tyres,35,TRUE,Wide Slick Tyres,PSG_10004431,5,PSG_10006365,Source = TyreTypes,TyreSpeed(30); TyreType(Wide),,,TeamBudgetHigh,TeamBudgetLow
["Politics","RuleDescription","","HUDText","The highest speed tyres possible, allowing teams to maximise their performance. These are the most expensive tyres to produce, and will cost teams {TyreCost} per race.","PSG_10006365"]
Tyres,Tyres,36,TRUE,Grooved Tyres,PSG_10004432,3,PSG_10006366,Source = TyreTypes,TyreSpeed(20); TyreType(Grooved),,,TeamBudgetLow,TeamBudgetHigh
["Politics","RuleDescription","","HUDText","Average-speed tyres, these grooved tyres aren't quite as fast as full slicks, but offer a good compromise between performance and cost ({TyreCost} per race).","PSG_10006366"]
Tyres,Tyres,37,TRUE,Low Profile Tyres,PSG_10004433,2,PSG_10006367,Source = TyreTypes,TyreSpeed(10); TyreType(Low),,,TeamBudgetLow,TeamBudgetHigh
["Politics","RuleDescription","","HUDText","These low profile tyres look phenomenal, but they aren't the fastest tyres around. On the plus side, they are the second-cheapest tyres available (at ({TyreCost} per race).","PSG_10006367"]
Tyres,Tyres,38,TRUE,Road Tyres,PSG_10006072,1,PSG_10006368,Source = TyreTypes,TyreSpeed(0); TyreType(Road),,,TeamBudgetLow,TeamBudgetHigh
["Politics","RuleDescription","","HUDText","Closer to the type of tyre you'd see on a road car, these tyres aren't the fastest, but they are the cheapest available, costing {TyreCost} per race.","PSG_10006368"]
Also the price on the pit crews are wrong too.
View attachment 177551 View attachment 177552