I hate Race cheats ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It's called the 2nd amendment and it protects the citizenry from tyranny.
So you absolutely need semi auto assault rifles? I see. Couldn't a pistol do and maybe a hunting rifle? Why not just an air rifle?
You know, the same tyrannical governments responsible for the genocide of over 100 million people in the last century alone.
So if their citizens had semi auto rifles like AK-47's, they could fight tyranny too? I see.
No need to address any of the rest of your silly post, it's clear you have incredible contempt for America, so F you.
Well thanks for that Captain America. What does the F stand for? Oh and I don't have contempt, I merely think you would be better under colonial rule again. Fancy it?
Since you cocks laid down your guns over the Dunblane false flag fake shooting in 1996, Britian currently has the highest violent crime rate of any country in the EU. So instead of being shot to death, you'll just get beaten to death instead, how quaint!
I see, you read the Daily Mail. That explains quite a bit. Oh and Its Great Britain. Yes we like being quaint too. Was Dunblane a False Flag fake shooting? What is a false flag fake shooting? That might be a bit insulting to the victims of that particular bit of terrible crime.
There are over a billion guns and 12 trillion rounds of ammunition in America, if gun crime were really a problem, you'd see a lot more than the occasional false flag fake shooting like you do. Not to mention, gun control doesn't work! Chicago has some of the strictest gun control in the country, over 3000 victims of gun crime last year. When you ban guns, only criminals have guns, this is basic common sense. Gun and violent crime is lowest in areas of liberal gun ownership and carry laws, this is a fact.
Like I said, you will be well equipped for the ZA when it comes, I really envy you on that one having watched The Walking Dead. I would love a SCAR-4, just for anti zombie defence of course.
Your own country is a steaming mess, how about working on that instead of mocking me and my fellow Americans over a constitutionally guaranteed right? Any other parts of the constitution a foreigner such as yourself would like to do away with? 1st amendment? 4th? Get lost, mind your own business. Unfortunately, if you haven't come to terms with your mental condition called liberalism by now in your life, there is no hope for you to wake up and smell the coffee.
You don't even know which country I live in, because it's hardly a steaming mess. But it's relatively safe as long as you go out at night armed with a pitch fork and a lantern. Oh and you deserve a fine sprinkling of British mocking due to your extreme rudeness old chap. God save the Queen. ps did you fake the moon landings and why did you kill Kennedy, he was a nice chap?
Wow........such a nice person. Your name is not Neegan by any chance? You scare me.
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