His policies are free this, free that. Free healthcare, free higher education, who pays for it?!?!?; $15/hr minimum wage that will hurt young, low skill workers the most; raise taxes on the wealthy ie those that create jobs, take risks; Forced (FORCED!) paid leave; global warming hoax believer; wants to ban semi-auto weapons.
Yeah, you're right I have no common ground with a Bernie supporter, his policies seriously suck!
What are Trumps policies? No one seems to know at this time. Do you know?
You have just listed all the things a good, honest and fair society should have and should strive for, yet you are against them. I see you are a "typical" Trump/right wing supporter just like the text books explain. One day you will wake up and smell the coffee. But not until your perfect society has ruined it's self and others. Only then will you realise it. Oh I forgot, you haven't got a perfect society have you? Gun crime through the roof, mass unemployment, gang warfare, everybody is fat and eats Mcdonalds all day
(Yes I am generalising there folks) and you have World Series sports with just American teams entering so it's always America that win.
Let me guess, you want to take back control of your borders, your finance system, your people etc. You need to make your country great again, rebuild it from the ashes, get rid of minorities, tell the world who you are and not to mess with you, "you need breathing room".
(Earth, Hitler 1938.)
ps, what's wrong with banning semi-auto weapons? Do you need them for anything other than the zombie apocalypse?
No, what you need my friendly colonist, is for the British Empire to take back control of the colonies to sort you out. That should do it.
ps again...did you know my Great, great, great , great, great, grand pappy was your 7th president ?
and he said: "
It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes."