I've been a good boy Ryo :tongue: no cutting LOL! Mind you its not hard to over do it and end up cutting, hard to balance speed with total accuracy and consistency!
Could I have a DEFINATIVE answer to how much is too much on cutting? I've read two wheels inside the white line, but that would give you a fair bit more lee-way than I've been using? OR is it just to keep inside wheels on the kerb? or............
Sorry, newbie question, but I'm still a Noob! and dont want to get into trouble, but dont want to use less than is acceptable either?
Could I have a DEFINATIVE answer to how much is too much on cutting? I've read two wheels inside the white line, but that would give you a fair bit more lee-way than I've been using? OR is it just to keep inside wheels on the kerb? or............
Sorry, newbie question, but I'm still a Noob! and dont want to get into trouble, but dont want to use less than is acceptable either?