The Setup Market (Service is down)

Apps The Setup Market (Service is down) 0.6.4

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Mathieu Labbé updated The Setup Market with a new update entry:

Rating system implemented

  • Rating system implemented: works for both users with an account on or without. (Rate more than one time and only the last vote casted will be counted)
  • App is now wider to allow more info in the download setup table.
  • Refreshed UI.
  • Downloaded setups will keep original file name now instead of being renamed. (file name also appears in the listing table now)

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hey Mathieu... Great application and website. I've been a fan since Day 1. Keep up the great work.

I've been meaning to ask you, when I look at posted setups on the website why don't the setup sheets allow decimal points? For instance, I'm looking at the tune you posted for the Lamborghini Miura P400 SV and for front camber it reads "-10". I'm sure you mean "-1.0" but sometimes when I'm scanning through tunes quickly I say to myself, "-20 for camber?!" before remembering the setup doesn't show the decimal point.

So, I was just curious why you didn't allow the use of decimals...

Keep up the awesome work! :thumbsup:
Setups file reflects the value shown in the setup menu in game. I'm not totally sure on what those values are based but when tuning a car you need to look at the realtime value on the right. So the actual menu value for camber really are -10 but the realtime camber value can be about -1.2 or so (dont remember exactly, its been 2 hours already after all since I posted it :D). So the problem is not about decimals, nothing is preventing decimal numbers on the website, its really the setup files (and in game setup menu) that are built that way. Sometimes one click equals 1, sometimes 10, it doesn't follow a real convention as far as I know.

Its not really possible to show realtime values from a setup file since you need to have some kind of context (as in the car sitting on a particular piece of road), taking into account road camber, inclination, etc. I didn't put any work into that view since its introduction to be honest, I even thought about removing it since I thought nobody would use it giving the fact that these values doesn't really make sense. Good to know that its still looked at ;) I might polish it at some point, when I'm satisfied with the state of the app.

Thanks for the kind words!
Having a problem after installing, Just get a fetching server message. Do i have to allow it through my firewall.Any help will be much appreciated.
No not what i know of, i have used this program previously and i didn't have any issues with having to setup firewall or re-route through router and my pc has always been pretty stupid on that part, so it firewalls everything.. ^^

Anyway, i am actually also having this issue. i get exactly the same, its just "fetching servers"
Only thing different in my case, is that this time i have installed Assetto Corsa on a Windows 8 system and i don't know if that might be the cause.

By any chance are you also on Windows 8? =)
Having a problem after installing, Just get a fetching server message. Do i have to allow it through my firewall.Any help will be much appreciated.

Post 2@, instead of Edit, so i was sure it was understood! Many TL:DR.

I have found the culprit! It was a very easy fix, you just need to make a first time setup!

Go ingame, pick a track, then go back into pit and make a new setup, just take default@ and rename it to your nickname (Then you always have a personal setup to fiddle with) Save that setup.

Now go back out to track with your newly loaded renamed default setup and "click up" TSM "The Setup Market App", and you should now be able to upload, download and see other setups!

Remember@ There is not always setups for current track, so if there is no setups change the "Current Tracks" To "Any Tracks" or "Other Tracks". Usually there is always setups under Other!

Take a setup from "Other Tracks" that is from a track that is a pretty close layout to what you are driving currently, then you can fiddle the rest. (usually those setups drives best, but do need fiddling "sometimes")
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Having a problem after installing, Just get a fetching server message. Do i have to allow it through my firewall.Any help will be much appreciated.
It might need a firewall exception since the app is making http calls to the server. But the fact that both you and @Rawex are having the same issue, thats worth investigating. Could you guys post the MyDocuments/Assetto Corsa/logs/py_log.txt file taken after the issue appear so I could have a look?
It might need a firewall exception since the app is making http calls to the server. But the fact that both you and @Rawex are having the same issue, thats worth investigating. Could you guys post the MyDocuments/Assetto Corsa/logs/py_log.txt file taken after the issue appear so I could have a look?

Could you please maybe read the second very relevant post i did? All the information you need is there... "I have found the culprit!"

Maybe waiting on what the other guy responses with, because i pretty sure this fixes his issue as well. ;)
Could you please maybe read the second very relevant post i did? All the information you need is there... "I have found the culprit!"

Maybe waiting on what the other guy responses with, because i pretty sure this fixes his issue as well. ;)
Yeah well its not supposed to act that way, you should not have to create a setup in order to make the app load correctly. In fact, saving a new setup file is not doing anything to the app, I even had to add a refresh button in order for the app to fetch the folder again becase of that.

To me it looks like a delay in fetching the server, if it doesnt load at all (the fetching message stays there) it could indeed be the firewall (one user in the past had to make changes to the firewall in order to allow the app's http calls).
Yeah well its not supposed to act that way, you should not have to create a setup in order to make the app load correctly. In fact, saving a new setup file is not doing anything to the app, I even had to add a refresh button in order for the app to fetch the folder again becase of that.

To me it looks like a delay in fetching the server, if it doesnt load at all (the fetching message stays there) it could indeed be the firewall (one user in the past had to make changes to the firewall in order to allow the app's http calls).

Ahhhhh, damn it! If just i would have known that i would have saved the first "py_log.txt"
Maybe in OP Writing if anyone has issues "instantly save the py_log.txt" and share to Dev, could be a good idea. ;) For future cases.

1: )Here is my py_log.txt, but sadly before, i reinstalled the Whole game, (deleted from Steam Client, then i took the folder and trashed it, reinstalled the whole game and the apps i drive with)
2: )I recieved the same "fetching message", but it went away when i created my first setup as explained above.
3: )I had not touched my MyDocuments/Assetto Corsa/ in any way and it also seemed like my game still had remembered my old (options settings). Probably cause of i forgot to delete this folder.
4: )The py_log.txt is probably "reset" cause of the re-install of the game, but i did recieve the "fetching message" in the newly re-installed game, so you can probably see the cause if you are Lucky. (I took a peak and it seems like something weird happend the first time TSM activates in my game.)


  • py_log.txt
    5.8 KB · Views: 574
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No not what i know of, i have used this program previously and i didn't have any issues with having to setup firewall or re-route through router and my pc has always been pretty stupid on that part, so it firewalls everything.. ^^

Anyway, i am actually also having this issue. i get exactly the same, its just "fetching servers"
Only thing different in my case, is that this time i have installed Assetto Corsa on a Windows 8 system and i don't know if that might be the cause.

By any chance are you also on Windows 8? =)
Im on windows 10.
I've just tried loading the set up market in game then exited but it doesn't log anything in the py_log file.

Just tried it again and it came up with headings but stuck on is the py_log

TheSetupMarket logs | getUserTSMIdWithSteamID failed at request_json = r.json() =
TheSetupMarket logs | Server is up!
TheSetupMarket logs | userSteamId = 76561198299282756
TheSetupMarket logs | userTSMId = 58bc09469f44b03857e9e104
TheSetupMarket logs | current_ac_version = 1.12
TheSetupMarket logs | current_carId = 573e5e39532d105d7a3c6c76
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I've just tried loading the set up market in game then exited but it doesn't log anything in the py_log file.

Just tried it again and it came up with headings but stuck on is the py_log

TheSetupMarket logs | getUserTSMIdWithSteamID failed at request_json = r.json() =
TheSetupMarket logs | Server is up!
TheSetupMarket logs | userSteamId = 76561198299282756
TheSetupMarket logs | userTSMId = 58bc09469f44b03857e9e104
TheSetupMarket logs | current_ac_version = 1.12
TheSetupMarket logs | current_carId = 573e5e39532d105d7a3c6c76
Mine said about exactly the same? Have you tried doing the tutorial i wrote about just creating a ingame setup? The tut is abit above, try and read to it =) i wrote as easy and simple i could.
Mine said about exactly the same? Have you tried doing the tutorial i wrote about just creating a ingame setup? The tut is abit above, try and read to it =) i wrote as easy and simple i could.
I tried this rawex and it tryed to launch but stuck on loading, then afterwards it failed to load again. I thought it maybe a content launcher problem but its the same even when not using it...very annoying now.
I tried this rawex and it tryed to launch but stuck on loading, then afterwards it failed to load again. I thought it maybe a content launcher problem but its the same even when not using it...very annoying now.
So, just to be sure, the issue is that once you load a session and open the app, it stays at 'fetching server' and never change no matter how long you wait right? It doesnt seem to be a firewall problem since, from the logs you posted, the app can reach the server and find your associated id. Next time you load a session, if you could open the app, wait a little while and then exit and attach the complete py_log.txt to your next post, I'll see if there is anything else relevant to the issue. I'll look into it in the meantime, with the info you pasted in mind.
Ahhhhh, damn it! If just i would have known that i would have saved the first "py_log.txt"
Maybe in OP Writing if anyone has issues "instantly save the py_log.txt" and share to Dev, could be a good idea. ;) For future cases.

1: )Here is my py_log.txt, but sadly before, i reinstalled the Whole game, (deleted from Steam Client, then i took the folder and trashed it, reinstalled the whole game and the apps i drive with)
2: )I recieved the same "fetching message", but it went away when i created my first setup as explained above.
3: )I had not touched my MyDocuments/Assetto Corsa/ in any way and it also seemed like my game still had remembered my old (options settings). Probably cause of i forgot to delete this folder.
4: )The py_log.txt is probably "reset" cause of the re-install of the game, but i did recieve the "fetching message" in the newly re-installed game, so you can probably see the cause if you are Lucky. (I took a peak and it seems like something weird happend the first time TSM activates in my game.)

Thanks for the logs file, whats weird though is that everything looks good from what I see in the logs, it should instantiate normally. Let me have a closer look after work. Do you always have this behaviour when just waiting for the app to load? (I mean, when not doing any workaround to fix that)

I'll try to get you guys a new temporary version with more verbose logs to debug your issue.
So, just to be sure, the issue is that once you load a session and open the app, it stays at 'fetching server' and never change no matter how long you wait right? It doesnt seem to be a firewall problem since, from the logs you posted, the app can reach the server and find your associated id. Next time you load a session, if you could open the app, wait a little while and then exit and attach the complete py_log.txt to your next post, I'll see if there is anything else relevant to the issue. I'll look into it in the meantime, with the info you pasted in mind.
Ok ive done exactly what you have said but it doesnt seem to write anything to the log when it says fetching server.
It wont let me upload the file as its empty:(

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