The Setup Market (Service is down)

Apps The Setup Market (Service is down) 0.6.4

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I dont know what the issue could be, I've tried on my end and everything work as usual. AC crashes at launch or at the time you launch a session? Your process of elimination consisted of unticking the app from the general menu?

If it crashes when you launch a session, you could post your py_log.txt here that would help :) If not, maybe you could try this 'Not out yet' version to see if it fixes anything.

Keep me posted!
could it possibly be because im playing in VR? it doesn't generate a py_log.txt (or im not looking in the right place, where is it supposed to create the log?) i went as far as disabling every other mod i have and if i just run with yours tick i get the crash, by crash i mean im at the menu select your app in options, click on drive, i get loading screen saying car/track loading and it crashes back to menu everytime. i went looking for a log as my first point of call also but could not find it.
Did you installing the app version from the link I posted above?

Also, the py_log.txt file I'm refering to is located at MyDocuments/Assetto Corsa/logs/py_log.txt. Could you please attach the file to your next reply so I can take a look?

And its not related to VR normally as I had feedback from other VR users that were able to make the app work.
Did you installing the app version from the link I posted above?

Also, the py_log.txt file I'm refering to is located at MyDocuments/Assetto Corsa/logs/py_log.txt. Could you please attach the file to your next reply so I can take a look?

And its not related to VR normally as I had feedback from other VR users that were able to make the app work.
hey mate sorry it took so long to get back to you have been working and didn't have a chance to test your new version. i installed your new version and its still crashing on startup, attached the log. let me know if you can think of anything i can try.


  • py_log.txt
    2.8 KB · Views: 320
I had a look at your logs and I see Rivali tempo is enabled(on the site, I see the latest laps are about 4months old... Is it still working?). I tried to install it but it just wont work on my system, you said you have tried to remove every other apps right? By removing I mean to move them from the python/apps folder temporarily and leaving only the setup market folder.

I tried with your steamId and it worked on my end. I made some slight changes in the code, adding some failure prevention, maybe that will help. You can grab the version here. Let me know if it does anything better, if not, post the new py_log.txt please.

You dont have an account on right? Thats ok, the app doesnt need it, but I'm trying to iron out the possibilites.
yeah i created an account as i did want to upload setups, and not sure about rivali i will remove it just incase and remove some of the other redundent **** im not using but yeah so far yours is the only mod when enabled that is doing this weird crash.

edit: ok that new version you sent is working now, not sure if its from that version or from removing rivali but it loaded :) so all g thanks heaps for the support mate!
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Awesome App. Works very well. Thanks a lot for this great stuff. But i have one problem. My Firewall blocks the app. When i start a session, the session load and after this, the game return to main window. But if i deactivate my firewall, the game and the app runs perfectly. If my firewall ist activated, the game and steam has complete access to internet. I hope you have an idea what to do. Thx a lot.
Awesome App. Works very well. Thanks a lot for this great stuff. But i have one problem. My Firewall blocks the app. When i start a session, the session load and after this, the game return to main window. But if i deactivate my firewall, the game and the app runs perfectly. If my firewall ist activated, the game and steam has complete access to internet. I hope you have an idea what to do. Thx a lot.
I'm not familiar with firewall as I haven't used one in years but I think you should be able to make an exception for the app inside your firewall config. Usually, there is a graphical interface that shows you everything that is blocked by the firewall, and you can specify exception for some. You should see http calls from and to, these can be safely allowed as they are only used to authenticate users and get the setups from the server. you have other apps that are not blocked?
Hello, I followed all the instructions, enabled the App in Options, showing OK on session, however there are no setups available to download; when I click Update it posts "Loading", but stays there forever. What am I doing wrong? Thank you for your hard work.
Hello, I followed all the instructions, enabled the App in Options, showing OK on session, however there are no setups available to download; when I click Update it posts "Loading", but stays there forever. What am I doing wrong? Thank you for your hard work.
There is a version that fixes that and other minor bugs, I will upload it very soon, probably Friday. I've been wanting to work on the app for some time now, but every time I get an hour of free time, I keep driving AC for some reason ;)
I'm not familiar with firewall as I haven't used one in years but I think you should be able to make an exception for the app inside your firewall config. Usually, there is a graphical interface that shows you everything that is blocked by the firewall, and you can specify exception for some. You should see http calls from and to, these can be safely allowed as they are only used to authenticate users and get the setups from the server. you have other apps that are not blocked?

Now it works. Thanks a lot. I have make an exeption for the app. Now this ist one of the best apps ever. THX!
Hi Mathieu, how work rating system? I would like see ratings in my uploaded setups,
If i have a setup to a track not listed, I select any?
HIi, rating is simply an average of all ratings, people with an account can rate any setups from the website (I want to allow it from the app someday).

You could select 'any' of course, this is originally for setups that are baseline setups that would work on any tracks, but can also work for non listed tracks.
Hi Mathieu, great app thanks! Something that would increase it's convenience is if there's a button that can minimise it or maximise it. It's not something I like having open when I race, so I always disable it, and then when I want to find a setup, I have to hunt for it again in the app menu and turn it on. Not a train smash but would be great if I can just have it on permanently and have a button to hide it when not in use.
Hi Mathieu, great app thanks! Something that would increase it's convenience is if there's a button that can minimise it or maximise it. It's not something I like having open when I race, so I always disable it, and then when I want to find a setup, I have to hunt for it again in the app menu and turn it on. Not a train smash but would be great if I can just have it on permanently and have a button to hide it when not in use.
You're not the first to request the minified version. When thinking of the app at first I wanted to have that but then I thought it wouldn't be used, at its not really useful when driving and that personally, I like to have as little stuff as possible on my screens for immersion sake.

But now that people have requested it, I can see why it would be useful. I have to think about how to do it, although I have other stuff I'd like to implement that might have higher priority but I'll keep it mind for sure. Thanks for the feedback :)
As an example of what I'm talking about, the pitwall app displays the full version of itself for x seconds after you cross the start/finish, and then it minimises itself to just a little gear icon. Perhaps you could just copy that code and instead of auto-minimising, it hides with a click.
Mathieu Labbé updated The Setup Market with a new update entry:

Stability update

- Fixed app issues when server was down.

Few people reported the app to prevent AC from loading sessions when the server was down. This has been fixed, AC will load normally and the app will try to reach the server while the session is loaded. If the server does not respond the app will show a message, if the server is really slow, a loading message will show until the server responds.

A real feature update is in the works, adding rating from the app. UI configuration and a more complete...

Read the rest of this update entry...

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