Authorised Vendor Thanos AMC-AASD15A 6axis Servo Motion Controller

Thanos, do you know if there is some libraries that I need to install in order for the AVRUBD to work properly?

I can't even get that software to open properly. When I try to run it I get a command prompt that says the following:

D:\Downloads\Universal Boot Loader\avrub_en>avr-gcc.exe -mmcu=atmega169 -Wall -gdwarf-2 -Os -fsigned-char -MD -MP -c bootldr.c
'avr-gcc.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

D:\Downloads\Universal Boot Loader\avrub_en>avr-gcc.exe -mmcu=atmega169 -Wl,-section-start=.text=0x3800 bootldr.o -o Bootldr.elf
'avr-gcc.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

D:\Downloads\Universal Boot Loader\avrub_en>avr-objcopy -O ihex -R .eeprom Bootldr.elf Bootldr.hex
'avr-objcopy' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Press any key to continue . . .

Not sure if you know what I need to do here, but otherwise, I'm assuming that the firmware on the board is adequate in case I can't get this flashed?

Thanos, do you know if there is some libraries that I need to install in order for the AVRUBD to work properly?

I can't even get that software to open properly. When I try to run it I get a command prompt that says the following:

D:\Downloads\Universal Boot Loader\avrub_en>avr-gcc.exe -mmcu=atmega169 -Wall -gdwarf-2 -Os -fsigned-char -MD -MP -c bootldr.c
'avr-gcc.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

D:\Downloads\Universal Boot Loader\avrub_en>avr-gcc.exe -mmcu=atmega169 -Wl,-section-start=.text=0x3800 bootldr.o -o Bootldr.elf
'avr-gcc.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

D:\Downloads\Universal Boot Loader\avrub_en>avr-objcopy -O ihex -R .eeprom Bootldr.elf Bootldr.hex
'avr-objcopy' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Press any key to continue . . .

Not sure if you know what I need to do here, but otherwise, I'm assuming that the firmware on the board is adequate in case I can't get this flashed?


Where do you see all these?
Just download the zip file in the link, extract to a folder and run the exe file... bootloader Utility
So I plugged my first SFX100 actuator into the Thanos controller today..

Should it auto home?
When I plug it in with both powered up it doesn't move automatically.. unless i wasn't waiting long enough..
I set the parameters correctly (youtube video) and when testing I'm pretty sure the slider bottomed out on the linear bearing...

Confirmed when looking at the bearing and realizing it had been knocked half way out the bottom of the actuator..

I have a new one ordered.. but want to avoid it happening 2nd time around..

Am I missing a crucial step?

*edit* reading over the manual again I didn't enter the extra parameters
Pn24 = 100
Pn52 = 1
Pn60 = 2
Pn61 = 6

I assumed these were for the PT actuators? Do I need these ones for SFX100 actuators too?

*2nd edit*
Just checked the controllers and everything was set except Pn61
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Well... To answer my own question.. It was my mistake...

I triple checked all parameters.. all connections.. and plugged in actuator 2 and 3.. They self homed and are working perfectly..

Lucky I only damaged a $20 part :)
Well... To answer my own question.. It was my mistake...

I triple checked all parameters.. all connections.. and plugged in actuator 2 and 3.. They self homed and are working perfectly..

Lucky I only damaged a $20 part :)

Yes, the servo drives need some extra parameters to activate the home calibration procedure...

If it were a solid actuator that can be used as push-pull, it would simply give you an alarm (AL-xx) on the display that it was overloaded. But the SFX100 actuators cannot handle more that 110% mechanical torque on the end-stop as its 3D printed mount breaks... (pull effect).

Hello Thanos,
I have finally decided to start a sfx100-type motion sim. I will be using either Granite Devices Argon controllers, or, I also have 4 good-quality Delta ASD-A1021-AB controllers here I can sacrifice for the project.

I am not keen on using the cheaper AliExpress alternative in use in those projects in general, and I have these ones already. I will drive 4x Mige 100ST 1kw servos.

I expect your HID interface/controller will seamlessly interface with both Argon and Delta Drives, as they accept the std pwm/dir signalling. Can you verify, beforevI pull the trigger on it, please?

Kind regards,
Beano (iRacing)
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Hello Thanos,
I have finally decided to start a sfx100-type motion sim. I will be using either Granite Devices Argon controllers, or, I also have 4 good-quality Delta ASD-A1021-AB controllers here I can sacrifice for the project.

I am not keen on using the cheaper AliExpress alternative in use in those projects in general, and I have these ones already. I will drive 4x Mige 100ST 1kw servos.

I expect your HID interface/controller will seamlessly interface with both Argon and Delta Drives, as they accept the std pwm/dir signalling. Can you verify, beforevI pull the trigger on it, please?

Kind regards,
Beano (iRacing)

I'm not sure about the Argon drives, as I haven't seen complete documentation on how to redirect torque threshold signal to the digital output interface, but the Delta drives have this option as I see in their manual:

However it will take some effort to assign the pinout from the DB25 connector of the AMC-AASD15A to the Delta servos Cn1 connector pins that have the desired functions, and might take some experimenting from your side to fine proper values for some of the parameters in the Delta drive.

You can always use as reference the existing documentation on other servo brands I adapted in the github:

Hello Thanos,
Thanx for your feedback. I will most likely use the Deltas, they are pretty good units with excellent cooling. As you know, I am not concerned about rewiring the pins, as well as parametrising the Drives.

Thanx for your feedback, I will order one of your Interfaces ;)

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For the non believers that earth and neutral voltage difference exists, here is a fun video to watch and educate yourself... And remember, if you are not sure about your electrical installation always consult a licensed electrician.
Happy new year~
Every time I watch his videos I laugh the whole time! They are very informative and he's got a great way of delivering the info.
Some progress on Mike's 737 6DOF platform. All servomotors are attached and working on the setup of the FlyPT Mover motion software.



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I updated the second post in this thread with useful links. Enjoy.

I had been asked why some platforms calibrate the actuators one by one. I'll show in the video that its does parallel calibration of all motors. If the calibration is not done in parallel something else is the factor, like delays on the servo drives on power up sequence etc...

But I have to mention that the Park position should be set to 1% of the travel, as this is the location each actuator will move to one actuator at a time by the (H)oming function, after each actuator calibrates. So if you set the Park position to something like 50% you may see it clearly move the actuators like in the following video:

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