Hi Iko,
There seems to be more measurement points for the new game such as wheel loads. Just wondering if those will be added into the telemetry app?
Also, with suspension measurements, are they measured in metres?
Additionally how can I change the colour of the telemetry page for when I compare the "red" lap and "blue" lap to have both lines monochromatic to easily distinguish between the two.
I was also thinking about the weather, I am not sure if there is a feature that you can read weather forecast and current wetness, projected wetness and duration of rain which could be maybe graphed (might be asking too much here apologies for that)
Finally I was wondering how we can change the name (manually) of other drivers for online races.
Great app thanks so much. Would like to know how easy it was to put together and what you used in constructing it all together. Keep up the great work.
The suspension measurements are direct values from the game, i.e. meters.
For the color of the traces, you can set the change them a the 'Settings --> Graph Colors'. So if you want to e.g. have grey for RED lap and black for blue lap. You have to do it like this:
1) In the 'Settings --> Graph Colors', select the 'Single color per lap' and the click save
2) Go to 'Settings --> Map and UI colors and set the BLUE line color to black and the RED line color to grey.
If you press key 'a' in the tool, it will toggle between the dark and white mode.
For the forecast, some games, like F1 games since F1 2020 and ACC, provide the forecast. At this point I am not doing much with it, as for proper servers the forecast is never accurate, but just forecast. I could add some of that stuff to the RaceInfo, as that has been on my mind for some time. For the licensed users in the 'Game Specific' tab there is the forecast info though.
If you mean, that when you are in the lobby, you could take a drivers name, and enter it into the Tool, there is no way to do that at the moment. Would it be usefull? What do the other users say?
For changing the names of the drivers before the race e.g. in leagues, you have two options
1) RaceNumber-Name map. If you always have the same RaceNumber, you can map these. The way this works, is that you create initial file via Tools and then edit it with Notepad++ or similar
2) Existing driver naming. If you always driver as same real drivers, you could create new driverIds file (also via Tools) and then edit that with the driver names you have.
Heh, I started the development of this tool with F1 2011, then there were no good tools (outside of F1Speed + F1Perfview) for the game and I needed something to help me become faster. And we are still on that path. ...