I'm the same as most of these guys. I have basically all my sim gear coming out of one power outlet on one side of the room, apart from the actual PC, and then my PC and desktop monitor on the other side of the room on another outlet. One flick of the wall switch turns on all my sim gear, amps, etc and normally when I come down into the sim room unless I'm actually playing a game, I'll flick the switch on for as long as I'm down here and it stays on until I leave. I doubt any of it uses much power at all while sitting idle and at least what little power draw there might be is removed when I leave the room. So no wasted power leaving power outlets active. I tend to do this with a lot of my appliances that are in easy to reach places and don't have a remote to access them. It's a good habit to get into. However, those Behringer amps are absolutely loud AF and I ended up getting a third party fan for it (not a noctua, but similar in the level of noise it reduced) for like 15 bucks AUD and now I barely notice that it's on.