Tracks SLOVAKIA RING 2024 1.7

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This track doesn't seem to be working for me. I'm getting this error log on startup (any variant):

AC\camerafacing.cpp (57): CameraFacing::CameraFacing
AC\trackavatar.cpp (118): TrackAvatar::TrackAvatar
AC\sim.cpp (1066): Sim::loadTrack
AC\racemanager.cpp (351): RaceManager::initOffline
AC\racemanager.cpp (174): RaceManager::loadSessions
AC\sim.cpp (320): Sim::Sim
AC\splashscreen.cpp (319): SplashScreen::postRender
AC\game.cpp (181): Game::onIdle
AC\game.cpp (210): Game::run
AC\acs.cpp (477): wWinMain
f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup
00007FF9AEB37C24 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
00007FF9B018D721 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart

Any ideas how to fix this?
try to do clean install. Delete the track, redownload it and install again.
I have a problem with the AI.
The AI cars are glued in the pits and don´t drive out in any race mode.
Doesn´t matter which cars i use.
Old track versions were deleted, did a new install.
I tried redownloading the track and doing a clean install twice (manual and cm) nothing works. I have lots of tracks and all seem to be fine. Will post logs later but they are similar to what was said few posts back
I tried redownloading the track and doing a clean install twice (manual and cm) nothing works. I have lots of tracks and all seem to be fine. Will post logs later but they are similar to what was said few posts back
Which CSP version do you use?
Does it work without CSP? I had an earlier version that did, deleted it and installed the latest and it doesn't work anymore :(
It should work. If it's not, It needs to be fixed so I will look on it. BTW by not using CSP you are missing out a lot of nice stuff in AC. Is there any reason not to use CSP in your case? I am curious.
It should work. If it's not, It needs to be fixed so I will look on it. BTW by not using CSP you are missing out a lot of nice stuff in AC. Is there any reason not to use CSP in your case? I am curious.
I run a group in which a lot of people haven't installed CSP, so it's better for me to stay vanilla as well to not run into "oh we've tested this track but unfortunately you don't have CSP". I also don't spend that much time on the actual sim, so I prefer things to just work when I do without the "you need the latest version of this or that". I also don't want to force the installation and upkeep on our members.
I run a group in which a lot of people haven't installed CSP, so it's better for me to stay vanilla as well to not run into "oh we've tested this track but unfortunately you don't have CSP". I also don't spend that much time on the actual sim, so I prefer things to just work when I do without the "you need the latest version of this or that". I also don't want to force the installation and upkeep on our members.
Thanks for explanation, I will look on it today. I already have some suspicions what can be wrong...
Slovakia Ring is one of my favorite tracks, I love it!
There is only one minor thing that prevent me from calling this track perfect - trees on first turn.

Zrzut ekranu 2024-05-08 163218.jpg

Their repetition kills the sense of reality.

Oh, and painted stripes generate dust.

Zrzut ekranu 2024-05-08 163156.jpg

Best regards!
Fuzo updated SLOVAKIA RING 2023 with a new update entry:

Update 1.7

Fixes and updates in v.1.7
  • fixed wrong surface definitions (removed dust and vibrations where it was incorrectly assigned)
  • reworked kerbs and some track parts to 2024 visuals
  • reworked water barriers in variant 3 (T1) and variant 4 (T3) to be physical objects instead of static (concrete) barriers
  • reworked some textures and track mesh to utilize new layouts
  • added borders to asphalt roads (thx Digga)
  • added 2023 Rally layout
  • added Slovak Karting Center variant...

Read the rest of this update entry...

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