You would have to change the leaderboard picture code to include your own logo.
Something like if(myteam,show my logo,show built in logo)
You would have to change the leaderboard picture code to include your own logo.
My plugin uses a text file to give custom names based on car F12021 did..In F122 i can use the “name” of the telemetry? Or the race numer.
the name is excellent in big leagues
the f122 in the telemetry brings the race number and a new field called name. the name field shows the gamertag (xbox) psn id (play station) or the name in steam I would like to use that field instead of the race number to identify the real namesMy plugin uses a text file to give custom names based on car F12021 did..
I guess I can't do thatYou would have to change the leaderboard picture code to include your own logo.
Something like if(myteam,show my logo,show built in logo)
Forgive me if this is the incorrect place to post. First time.Any of you guys seeing your CPU usage creeping up whilst using this beta with Simhub V8?
I have had a couple of people suggest it is...
Hi, do you know if this is possible?the f122 in the telemetry brings the race number and a new field called name. the name field shows the gamertag (xbox) psn id (play station) or the name in steam I would like to use that field instead of the race number to identify the real names
Hi.your plugin is obsolete with the 8.1.1 simhub version
does this work in iracing?GarySwallow updated SimHub - TV Style Side & Scrolling Leaderboards + Timings SideScreen with a new update entry:
CPU Overload fix + RF2 Car Name bug fixed
Read the rest of this update entry...
if($prop('GarySwallowDataPlugin.Leaderboard.Position'+format(repeatindex(),'00')+'.DriverName')==$prop('GarySwallowDataPlugin.Leaderboard.Position'+format(repeatindex(),'00')+'.DriverName.FirstName')){return $prop('GarySwallowDataPlugin.Leaderboard.Position'+format(repeatindex(),'00')+'.DriverName')}
else return left($prop('GarySwallowDataPlugin.Leaderboard.Position'+format(repeatindex(),'00')+'.DriverName.FirstName'),0,1)
+ '. '
+ $prop('GarySwallowDataPlugin.Leaderboard.Position'+format(repeatindex(),'00')+'.DriverName.LastNameLong')