A lot of valid points here and some perhaps not so valid
.. For me I have been with rf2 from the beginning, like a lot of others here ..
rf1 was the only other sim I ever played, But I do have some amateur kart and track day experience doing track days with my BMW328i but nothing much over 130mph lol (I do know what its like to have to change your underwear after trying to stay on the edge for only a short time lol that and waiting 3 days for your neck muscles to stop hurting lol)..
I was a Jane's flight sim series, falcon 4 to Allied force to BMS flight sim junky for some10+ odd years ,all on line with other pilots , I remember the first time I tried the rf1 demo and was hooked on the pure sense of speed compared to the flight sim's .. sounds strange but when your in the air I guess you cant see/feel the real speed like the racing sim's provide , at least for me , then to be able to do it online vrs other like minded drivers ! what a rush ! I became addicted to the intense racing vrs other humans .(never could never get that same thrill when racing off line so I simply never raced off line
Then rf2 was announced ! ok ,we were all so hyped , the first thing I noticed was that the cars actually felt like well, cars ! IMO in rf1 its a matter of figuring out how the software works and capitalizing on that to be fast ..rf1 was close but nothing like what a real car would do in real life conditions .. Now in rf2 i could apply what I thought I should apply and get the reaction i expected ! this made me very happy ! ya it was buggy with very little content but I saw the potential and was instantly hooked again .. it was hard as rf2 moved along at a glacial pace lol..
Then AC was announced ! omg this could be the next coming of sim racing ,or so allot of us thought .. it looked amazing and drove real good but it didn't take long for the sim community to start asking where are all the racing feature's >? and we all know how that went lol ,its a lot better now thanks to kunos and the community added features like pTracker and many others, that made it a lot better for leagues etc...but you still cant do true endurance racing , or get caught for speeding in the pits or ..or ... it's those kinds of small details you know ,it's all the little things that happen in real racing
.... that list is long but AC is still a fantastic sim !
IMO ISI nailed it as far as actual racing environment and that has spoiled a lot of us ..to this day I don't see these details in any of the newer sims , with the exception of AMS that's simply the ISI rf1 gMotor with a lot of enhancements+ a tweeked reelfeel with a nice FFB feel ....., it is a great piece of work Rizza has done but for me when I drive it it seems more like rf1.5 lol ..
As far as MP goes rf2 public lobby's are a ghost town , although slightly better than AMS lol This might all change when S397 releases the new UI ...however the league presents in rf2 is very strong ! if you like rf2 and want to drive it join a league .. its one of the only sim's that has all the real racing features , one example would be you can have live Stewarts monitoring the races and handing out penalty's of all kinds .. just scratching the surface of rf2's endless feature's, these are the kind of things that make it great for league racing ..
One thing I see is a lot of players complaining about running rf2 .. I guess Im just lucky I have no issues with it .I play it in DX11 in 4k on a 50" 4k monitor with a single Nvid 1080..no input lag no stutter , no alt tab issues ..clean & crisp !
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Allot of the probs players complain about seem to be with older systems ,but not all .. like any software it will preform differently on one players system than another's .. that's the mystery of software I guess .. then thay complain about the vmod's and online racing .. wow for me its great don't have the content but want to race ? rf2 will download and install it from the lobby ..Its up to the host to set this up but it works perfectly if the admin has set it up properly .. the number of people complaining are out numbered by the number of players that have it working fine ..it's up to the admin .. for us in our league its a welcome feature !
Right now it seems, if you want public open racing with more than 5 drivers AC is the best choice .. If you can find a server with MR on it the public drivers seem to behave a little better , If you search the servers by clients you will always find something with 15-24 drivers on it ..and sometimes it NOT NORDS ! lol .. but go figure ,the AC community out numbers the rf2 community by about 3 million ! hah not bad for a game without a lot of real racing features !
Anyway I very happy with rf2 and it's nice to see S397 keeping it alive and moving it forward !
right now my racing is split pretty much 50/50 with rf2/AC raced AMS for about a month but just don't feel like driving it anymore .. and pCars .. well ya its cool but .. pCars 2 ?? we shall see ! it could be it ! hah.. The perfect sim IMO would be a mix of the 3 with the ISI based features
! dreamer ....