I must have some weird hardware and graphical settings combination. Maybe. I have pretty low fps at RedBull Ring too. But still a lot higher, from 23 to 27 fps. Of course anything under 60fps is not a luxury, but it is possible to live with lower fps, till it drops under 24. I haven't downloaded RIR 0.7, but had 0.6 and it was smooth, as well as Bridgehampton is.
Ok, so I stopped writing this comment, and realized that I have bumped up my graphical settings, because I deffinitelly raised them sometime in this summer, because XJ13. Obviously there were much less details in RIR 0.6, so it didn't felt that much on fps.
So I set graphics back to normal/low settings. RedBull ring lowest fps increased from 23 to 30. Riverside lowest fps increased from 18 to 22, so it is almost there now. I guess those 3fps for you are not really noticeable (from 46 down to 43) as it is for me, from ~25 to 22. I should save up for better gear
But if you'll win few fps in future it will be definitely a good thing. Obviously lol I think with LODS it will be achieved. Can't wait for 3D grass !
I wish SimTRAXXXXXX had your attitude, their conversions are always terrible on performance.