rFactor 2 Screenshots

nothing to do with it not being fair, why does a cars screenshot belong in a rFactor 2 Screenshot thread?

It was a comparison shot. What if I compared a Rfactor 2 screenshot with a CARS screenshot on the CARS section? Would that also be moderated? Is there a rule around here that says no comparison screenshots? If there is, I missed it and apologise.:confused:
It was a comparison shot. What if I compared a Rfactor 2 screenshot with a CARS screenshot on the CARS section? Would that also be moderated? Is there a rule around here that says no comparison screenshots? If there is, I missed it and apologise.:confused:
There is no rule really. But lately there where some problems in other threads when people started to compare etc
Became nasty very fast. So they are trying to avoid that abit. :)

what Ivo said below, but also the general rule of keeping the content related only :)

anyways, that shot did look very real :)
My first try at getting a panoramic picture together in rF2.


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