Thanks for all the guidance! Deleting the folder left behind and just installing the new update worked.
So, for cars like this - my fav vehicle type to race - is there a way to adjust the mirrors? I drive in the cock pit view. I searched here and found something about control + arrow keys but nothing changed. I also found something here about moving the seat position to the left or the right using "shift + buttons" but nothing happened as well. In the game, I found only the mirror on or off option.
Thanks in advance for any tips on this.
Substitute arrows for your seat up/down/forward/back
Fore = Forward = SEAT FORWARD not arrow forward (Up)
Adjusting Mirrors
* = the text that appears in the rF2 message box.
* Mirror Position: 0 / 0
Shift + Fore = move mirrors left
Shift + Aft = move mirrors right
Shift + Up = move mirrors up
Shift + Down = move mirrors down
* Mirror Size: 0
Ctrl+Shift + Up = zoom out
Ctrl+Shift + Down = zoom in
* Left Mirror Params: 0 / 0
Ctrl + Fore = move mirror outwards
Ctrl + Aft = move mirror inwards
Ctrl + Up = zoom out
Ctrl + Down = zoom in
* Right Mirror Params: 0 / 0
Left Alt + Fore = move mirror inwards
Left Alt + Aft = move mirror outwards
Left Alt + Up = zoom out
Left Alt + Down = zoom in
* Center Mirror Params: 0 / 0
Ctrl + Left Alt + Fore = move mirror left
Ctrl + Left Alt + Aft = move mirror right
Ctrl + Left Alt + Up = zoom out
Ctrl + Left Alt + Down = zoom in
* Mirror Physical Pos: 0 / 0
Shift + Left Alt + Fore = move mirror right
Shift + Left Alt + Aft = move mirror left
Shift + Left Alt + Up = move mirror up
Shift + Left Alt + Down = move mirror down
Extra Options in the player.json.
"Rearview Independent":false,
"Rearview Independent#":"Whether width (horizontal FOV) can be controlled independently of height (vertical FOV)",
Unless you really want or have to change this I would leave it alone.
"Moving Rearview":3,
"Moving Rearview#":"Whether mirrors respond to head movement in cockpit (0=none, 1=position-only, 2=FOVonly, 3=both) - add 4 if you want to IGNORE head-tracking movement",
If you set it to 0, the image in the mirrors doesn't move when you move the seat but you lose the ability to move all mirrors together: shift+seat doesn't work.
"User Vehicle Data":true,
"User Vehicle Data#":"0=save with user mod data (in CCH files), 1=save separately (in all_vehicles.ini)",
The all_vehicles.ini is where every vehicle installed has their FOV, seat, mirrors, FFB multiplier and installed upgrades data stored. All the things you don't want to setup every time you load that car.
The mod data CCH file has data more related to career stats.
So make sure User Vehicle Data is set to “true”. Yes I know it says to use “1”, you can put 1, it just gets changed to true.
"Rearview Cull":false,
"Rearview Cull#":"Whether to cull objects in the rearview based on visgroups in the SCN file",
"Rearview_Back_Clip#":"Back plane distance for mirror (0.0 = use default for scene)",
If what you see in the mirrors seems to be sparse and objects suddenly appear and disappear then the two settings above should help you.
First off, we don't want to be culling objects so make sure you have “false” for the rear view cull.
The back clip is the distance in metres that can be seen in the mirrors. I have mine set to :1000,
So that is 1 kilometre, which looks so much better than the default and isn't a big fps hit, at least with me.
*** THE BIG ONE HERE IS #4 Set 1000 and you will see everything behind you
and it won't pop out.
*** ANOTHER TIP: Sometimes the left side keys Shift/Ctrl/Alt may not work.
Not all the time, maybe down to the type of keyboard.
Use the right side instead.
PLEASE ! Copy and paste this and save text as "MIRROR ADJUSTMENT"