RD Formula Manager - Season 4

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  • Deleted member 161052

* Start creds: 2500
* Drivers: Kamui Kobayashi and Felipe Massa for 600*2=1200 (1300)
* Tyres: Michelin for 400 (900)
* Engines: Mercedes
* Use all PR points on Merc 500-150=350 (550)
* Engine research on Merc (50)

* Sponsors C and E

Leftover: 50
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My buyings:
Sponsors: B and C
Favorite track: Germany

Money - 6800 cr
Tyre supplier: Bridgestone - 400 cr
Engine supplier: Ferrari - 800 cr
Chassis +5: 2500 cr
Schumacher - speed: 400 cr
Schumacher - concentration : 400 cr
Ricciardo - speed: 400 cr
Ricciardo - technical: 400cr
Ferrrari - engine testing: 500 cr
Money left - 1000 cr

@Omer Said : Is it possible to make sister team during the season?
Durability upgrade +3
Chassis upgrade +3
Speed upgrade +1 for Loeb, +2 for Rossi

Sponsors C, J
Maximum 2 upgrades on car in each marketplace period. Suppliers and favorite track too please. :thumbsup:
@airutonpurosuto8912 - Will update the team list after all made their purchases.

@Omer Said : Is it possible to make sister team during the season?

Yes. And maximum 2 car upgrades please, +5 chassis is not possible.

* Start creds: 2500
* Drivers: Kamui Kobayashi and Felipe Massa for 600*2=1200 (1300)
* Tyres: Michelin for 400 (900)
* Engines: Mercedes
* Use all PR points on Merc 500-150=350 (550)
* Engine research on Merc (50)

Leftover: 50

Sponsors as well, please.

oh yeah, forgot he doesn't count what we already gave.
Renault engine (PR 150)
Michelin tyres
Sponsors C and E.

After the supplier purchases, you have 400 credits left. Only 1 qualy upgrade or a driver upgrade is possible.
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Maximum 2 upgrades on car in each marketplace period. Suppliers and favorite track too please. :thumbsup:
You are right. :p

Michelin, Mercedes, sponsors C, J
Durability +2
Chassis +2
Speed +1 for both
Risky research

I am not sure I have understood right. Maybe you should make it "points of upgrade" and "kinds of upgrade", because it is tricky (at least for me) :redface:
Yes. And maximum 2 car upgrades please, +5 chassis is not possible.

I thought so, just got confused with Manolis's list. So are we allowed of 2 car upgrades max per marketplace period. Or 2 different upgrades, up to 2 levels (I don't understand what I'm saying:O_o:)? What I mean is, is it ok what Manolis did or we can do just +1 chassis and +1 durability?
I thought so, just got confused with Manolis's list. So are we allowed of 2 car upgrades max per marketplace period. Or 2 different upgrades, up to 2 levels (I don't understand what I'm saying:O_o:)? What I mean is, is it ok what Manolis did or we can do just +1 chassis and +1 durability?
From what I understood it's 2 upgrades (chassis, durability, quali) per marketplace period. You can combine them (e.g. 1 chassis 1 quali) or 2 of the same (e.g. 2 chassis).
For drivers 2 training per driver each marketplace period. Unlike last season you can have 2 of the same (e.g. 2 wet for MSC).
For testing it's 2 of the 4 per marketplace period, however I'm not sure if you can do the same twice (e.g. 2 tyre testing). @Omer Said is the example possible, or is it like last season?
I would like to clear things up, hopefully it will leave no questions on the matter:

Car Upgrades:
You can get maximum 2 levels of upgrades per each marketplace period. It does not mean you can get +2 chassis, +2 Durability, +2 Qualifying at the same time. It is 2 all of them combined. Examples of correct purchases are: +2 Chassis, or +1 chassis +1 durability or +1 durabiliy +1 qualifying. I hope it clears the things up.

Driver Trainings are the same. You can either train 2 levels of same training, or 1 from one and 1 from another.

Testings: As it is stated in the Marketplace list, 2 of 4 choices can be picked. You can't do the same kind of training twice in a single marketplace period.

(Adding this to the first post)
Favourite Track: Monaco
Sponsors: E and C


Engine: Mercedes (500$)
Tyres: Pirelli (400$)
Durability Upgrade Lvl 2 (1000$)
Rosberg and Bottas (1200$)
Risky Research (1000$)

Left with 300$

Just reposting in-case
My updated buy list:

Money - 6800 cr
Tyre supplier: Bridgestone - 400 cr
Engine supplier: Ferrari - 800 cr
Chassis +2: 1000 cr
Schumacher - speed: 400 cr
Schumacher - concentration : 400 cr
Ricciardo - speed: 400 cr
Ricciardo - technical: 400cr
Ferrrari - engine testing: 500 cr
Risky research: 1000 cr
Money left - 1500 cr
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