AC Race #1 Championship Multiclass @Thomson Road, Wed 5th October 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Sorry Han, but I won't make the race tonight.
I was supposed to be riding my bike in Italy today, instead I decided to catch Covid at the Oktoberfest :cool:

Only just recovered but I've not practiced at all (probably wouldn't have made any difference) so I decided to bail on tonight.

See you all next week for the "proper" race, have a great race tonight!!
Congratz to John and Allan . race start was clean atleast for me until sector2 (i will never make fun of pixar again) when somebody in the abarth took a corner a LITTLE wide. but the race was long and i was calculating the result when i was in top 5 and with that pace i was sure for to fight for p1 until i went to pit where i realize the checkmark for repair was on . story short all the gain wasted by a pitstop repair D: almost 20sec . incident . pits D':
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I also think it was a very good race. I thought the track would be too long for this cars but it flowed very well though...
I had many good Fights with several drivers, but a huge sorry for the guy I crashed too the lamp on lap 1 or 2. Don't know who this was because the first 10 minutes the replay was not recorded somehow...
Me i saw ur telemetry u went off gas its ok can happen all good
Tough one for me.

Only had an hour or so on Monday to re-learn the track plus get acquainted with my new wheel and pedals.

Qualifying was not bad, considering. But with no consistent pace I wad relying on no major mistakes to pick up places.

Sadly it was not to be and three big ones cost me and ended up 21st.

Apologies for the lead Abarths at the end, I went off the racing line in the last sector letting Fulvio past and ended in a spin that I could not recover from. Then I was broadside across the track and Ernie couldn't avoid me. There may have been other contact, too.

That's my least favourite track out of the way now.

Thanks, Han, and congratulations to everyone, especially for T1 etiquette.
Nice race guys and with such a big field the standard was very high.
I'm not sure where Han got his speed from after his off, as he jumped me at the pitstop but all in I had a smile as wide as Daniel Ricardo at the finish. Well done podium and thanks to Han for organizing.

Singapore post race reaction.................................
Had a great race, but first congratulations to John and Fulvio and a begrudgingly well done to that Rotter Allan.;)
Had some problems with two off’s, one was my fault the other was just one of things.
But it gave me an interesting race, so it was a good thing, otherwise I would have had Fulvio chasing me to the last lap. At least I had a race.:thumbsup:, rather that spending lap after lap seeing my lead whittling away.:roflmao::roflmao:
Great event Han, great turn out, look forward to the rest of fat Alfie tracks.:)
Thanks @HF2000 for organising, really enjoyed the race - apart from @Kek700 Ernie and @eN1xes Fulvio for the stress :p :p

With the usual 3 laps to find a flow, and 30 mins of concentration in my tank brain cell, knew I had to break away in the first lap or 2 if poss - tried to gap Ernie to a steady margin but he was too damn quick as usual!

Huge thanks for the fair racing, and those being lapped were super fair, thank you for that:)

Last word, and I really hope this doesn't come across as a 'negative':); are we allowed to talk in champ events (apart from the odd 'thanks' or 'sorry')? I guess I'm in the minority, but find it massively distracting. Not a moan, but if that is the case, I'll start fecking singing to you lot:p:roflmao::laugh:
That was a sweaty one :rolleyes:

All were on their best behavior in T1 which surprised me a little after the AI like conduct in practice :O_o:, so

:thumbsup: Well Done Folks :thumbsup:

Than we had some nice scrapping for several laps, maybe a litttle rough when some of the guys tried to "ram it by in tight spots"

I´m with Empty Box on this one:

Apart from that it was a great race, I made some stupid mistakes, collected on the stupid mistakes of my comrades and managed to evade the huge mistakes of some. (all the evasive driving traing irl and with the AI paid of once again.;))

I even managed to time my pitstop so I could come on track without collecting other racers.

Cheers Carsten

Last word, and I really hope this doesn't come across as a 'negative':); are we allowed to talk in champ events (apart from the odd 'thanks' or 'sorry')? I guess I'm in the minority, but find it massively distracting. Not a moan, but if that is the case, I'll start fecking singing to you lot:p:roflmao::laugh:
I´d like to take the counter position in this
(as I´m the offending party here :redface:)

Hell yeah, the banter makes it all the more fun and you can always apply your "husband hearing" an dial it down internally ;)

Good night Carsten

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