RACE 07 Racing Club (Merged)

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Hya all

As a start lets kick some WTCC cars after the pause period. :)

Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 CET
Practise: 30 min
Qualy: 30 min
Race: 2*10 laps
Weather: Dry

Track: Istanbul
Cars: WTCC 06 and 07

Server name: RSC # RPMnet.org
Password: spa

Server 1 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #1
  1. Attila Domján - Chevy
  2. Gareth Hickling - Peugeot
  3. Pauliebhoy Harrigan - Seat Leon
  4. Gregory Degreef - BMW E90
  5. Mehmet Arikan - Seat
  6. Jerome Benard - Alfa Romeo
  7. Cristian Haba - BMW E90
  8. Christian Deparis - Seat 07
  9. Jens Hoeppner - BMW E90
  10. Patrick van Driel -Seat Leon
  11. James Yates - BMW E46
  12. Jari Vinnari - BMW E90
  13. Marcel Hulsbergen - Alfa 156
  14. Peter Böszörményi - Seat Leon
  15. Kent Karlén - Chevy 07
  16. darron miller - Peugeot
  17. Michael Herrmann - Alfa 156
  18. Nico Major - BMW E90
  19. Rami Kaukola - BMW E90
  20. Christopher Aponte - Seat LEon
  21. Simon Trendell - Peugeot
  22. big daddy Morpheus Lightning McQueen - car tbd
  23. Baron-Rouge[NO-B] - Seat Leon
  24. ingemar petersson Seat Leon
  25. Nevermind - Seat Leon
Server 2 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #2
  1. Driver
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always fun events here, nice battles in both race:)
Race1: Q11th R6th good pressure from Alberto until mine pitstop then managed race until end.
in Race2 I started from 2nd row but in T5 (maybe) someone hit me:mad::D and I lost car and a bit of positions but no damage on car so recover car and push for gain some place I met along race Krzysztof and was fun mate :thumbsup:I used same strategy 85lit and wheels change only and from 15th place at the end of race Im in 9th in last 10mins.from pits jump ahead Krisztián so i push for catch him but we are in same pace and only when Krisztián lost a bit the car I can pass push and front me Alberto but the race is over:).9th
Thanks all gentlemen that have race in this events also thanks to Dennis and RD
This was much more fun that the originally planned Wednesday race would have been, I'm glad drivers asked me to change it! It was good for the Club and I was happy to provide a good practice event for Presto GP as well. We thoroughly enjoyed having you guys in our event!

My latest rendition of a setup was working really well and other than a gear or two and a change to the front wing I was ready in the first practice.

R1:After L1 the drive was very nice. I hope I gave all the fast drivers enough time/room to find their way past? An early pit and back on the road, I got as quick as I had in Quali and never touched a wall, big deal for me!

R2: Having a fun time until L4 and I came out of the bridge hairpin a bit too heavy on the throttle, wing damage. Backed into the wall, suspension damage. Made it to the pit, took forever to program the change and it didn't do it right so back in next lap. Out of the pit, everything's good to go and the wife comes home creating mayhem in the house as the dogs go crazy I can't hear my engine, tires, brakes and spin into a wall, back to the pit once again, oh for sure, last place. Saving grace for the race, PB for this car at the track!
Both races were intense and great fun.

R1: Qual 5th Held position for several laps then moved to 4th when someone spun. Was 7 seconds behind Nico, was able to maintain, but not gain time. Then with 3 laps to go I started making up time moving into 3rd with a little more than a lap to go. Thank you Nico for having to little fuel and graciously allowing me my first podium finish in several years :thumbsup:.

R2: Reverse grid started in 6th lost a spot on lap 1 and gained it back and ran most of the 1st stint in 6th. Caught and passed Richard Hill moving into 5th. Was 4.5 seconds behind Eliezer and steadily closed the gap until we ran the last 2 1/2 laps with ~.2-.3 second gap. Intense racing fun!!!! Made a small error 1/2 way through the last lap and the gap went up to .5 seconds with only a few turns to go. Knowing I couldn't catch him I eased up a bit only to find him rapidly slowing just before the finish line where I passed him for 4th as he coasted to the line out of fuel.

Despite being lucky to be the beneficiary of fuel issues in both races, there was lots of intense close racing. A very tough track for those not used to the cars and the slower racers did a GREAT job in driving predictably allowing for safe passes. Best club race I've participated in for a long time. Grats to all who participated and many thanks to Dennis and RD for organizing.
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qualifying - 2nd

just managed to get a good lap right at the end, wasnt enough to pip sean though who took pole by 0.08 secs.

race 1 - 2nd

85litres pit on lap 12

forgot about autoclutch being off in club races so lost 2 positions from the line and had to fight really hard to gain them back, was some good racing with nico and guus but sean had managed to get a good lead up so when i pitted for just rear tyres i had made up 3 seconds but was still 7 behind, by the end with sean in traffic lapping people the gap came down to 4.5 seconds, good first race grats sean :thumbsup:

race 2 - 1st

82litres pit on lap 12

started very well this time and made a number of positions on lap 1, by lap 2 i was into the lead and started opening a gap, when i pitted for rear tyres only again i was 10 seconds in front of sean, i expected a good fight from sean during the last laps of the race but he didnt know that there was a pit window so was dq for not pitting, unfortunate end to seans race and meant i could cruise to the end some 25 seconds ahead of 2nd place.

great racing all around, thoroughly enjoyed it.

cya next time :)
I never got started, couldn't get a lap completed in practice or qualifying, my pc then crashed the game, probably realising my obvious discomfort in trying to compete at this level and saving me from embarrassment lol. instead of this experience putting me off, it has made me more determined to try and get to grips with sim racing but I'm really finding it a struggle If I'm honest. I need to bang in hundreds of laps around these tracks but obviously with work, it can be a problem finding enough time. New games coming out as well it;s a never ending learning curve and not always enjoyable. I'm not bothered about winning though and as I've stated previously, I'm more than happy starting at the back but I'm like 10-20 seconds slower than everyone else!!!! I'll never be that quick, even after all my years of gaming but there are aliens on this site with some of the lap times you guys get is staggering lol! I probably come over as a bit insecure and in gaming terms I am. I'm 50 now and my reactions aren't getting any quicker but I've been gaming since 1978 (Playing pong for you old enough to remember) and I can't see me ever not gaming :) This post is not looking for any reaction but just to let you guys know where I'm at and how I view my sim racing. I've only come over to PC this year after many years on consoles and really enjoy this forum. I'll keep plugging away at it though and maybe just maybe I'll get there. Bloody hell! I've rambled on a bit :redface: see you on the track and thanks.
I forgot to say, thanks to Dennis for organising this event and moving the time to allow us (PrestoGP) to participate. :thumbsup:

@Jim, you are right that it is not always fun to practice sim-racing. It should be said that Singapore is one of the hardest tracks to master. At PrestoGP we have some super-fast drivers, but also more normal drivers (2-3 sec slower than the fastest). And we have several guys around your age. So if you find the motivation to practice, feel free to drop by our servers and forum, and I am sure everybody are more than willing to help you out with setups and answering questions.

We are racing SIngapore until Wednesday (tomorrow), after that we are doing Suzuka the next two week (a track often feautered in other motor games). Suzuka isn't the easiest track either, and also quite narrow, but it is a lot of FUN!
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Good fun and thanks for the races Dennis Rd and racers :thumbsup:

1st race . 60, 25 fuel and 2 fronts
Got good start and being lighter, I think I was able to pull away like Vettel's race lol and managed to just stay cool and bring it home after pit also don't think I made a mistake, hit wall or out lines once either :thumbsup:.

2nd race 83 2 fronts
Got good start nice run into t4 with everyone going tight I was able to hold outside line late on brakes and make up few places. Then I was chasing Eliezer and was difficult to stick a pass on managed to get by only when he made a mistake in braking good fun though :thumbsup:, after that tried to catch david and decided to stay out long as poss to keep 4 tires in balance of grip, unfortunately with no hud I didn't realise I had to pit before lap 12 and got dq oops :laugh:

Maybe cyas next time :cool:
@Jim Brailsford I'm not only old enough to remember pong, I'm old enough to have owned one :thumbsup: I can really empathize with your feelings as my self applied nickname used to be "Backmarker Bob". At 54 my vision and reactions are not what they once were, but you don't have to have lightening fast reflexes to be competitive or most importantly to have fun simracing.

I'm faster now than I've ever been because 1) practice 2) spending a lot of time learning from and watching the really fast guys at Presto(they are a really amazing group of guys who are never too busy to help) 3) more practice and most important of all 4) I stopped trying to go fast. As soon as I stopped trying to go fast and concentrated on having fun and driving smooth lines an amazing thing happened. I started to hit corner apexes properly which allowed me to increase turn exit speed and I started going faster.

I had just as much fun when I was "Backmarker Bob" as I am now that I'm fairly competitive. It's just a game, keep it fun and don't be afraid to ask for help. The simracing community, especially here at Race Department, are amazing people who are always ready to help a fellow racer.
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Enjoyed this. As per usual I left early (too many aches and pains from old injuries). I usually park somewhere where there is no waved yellows and film but on this occasion I spent too long on rear view, put a wheel on the grass, and was about to spin in front of someone trying to lap me so I held the esc key. Had a brief battle with Dennis. Having skins makes this more enjoyable. I had a couple but not all. Will try and get all skins next time.
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