RACE 07 Racing Club (Merged)

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Hya all

As a start lets kick some WTCC cars after the pause period. :)

Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 CET
Practise: 30 min
Qualy: 30 min
Race: 2*10 laps
Weather: Dry

Track: Istanbul
Cars: WTCC 06 and 07

Server name: RSC # RPMnet.org
Password: spa

Server 1 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #1
  1. Attila Domján - Chevy
  2. Gareth Hickling - Peugeot
  3. Pauliebhoy Harrigan - Seat Leon
  4. Gregory Degreef - BMW E90
  5. Mehmet Arikan - Seat
  6. Jerome Benard - Alfa Romeo
  7. Cristian Haba - BMW E90
  8. Christian Deparis - Seat 07
  9. Jens Hoeppner - BMW E90
  10. Patrick van Driel -Seat Leon
  11. James Yates - BMW E46
  12. Jari Vinnari - BMW E90
  13. Marcel Hulsbergen - Alfa 156
  14. Peter Böszörményi - Seat Leon
  15. Kent Karlén - Chevy 07
  16. darron miller - Peugeot
  17. Michael Herrmann - Alfa 156
  18. Nico Major - BMW E90
  19. Rami Kaukola - BMW E90
  20. Christopher Aponte - Seat LEon
  21. Simon Trendell - Peugeot
  22. big daddy Morpheus Lightning McQueen - car tbd
  23. Baron-Rouge[NO-B] - Seat Leon
  24. ingemar petersson Seat Leon
  25. Nevermind - Seat Leon
Server 2 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #2
  1. Driver
  2. Driver
  3. Driver
  4. Driver
  5. Driver
  6. Driver
  7. Driver
  8. Driver
  9. Driver
  10. Driver
  11. Driver
  12. Driver
  13. Driver
  14. Driver
  15. Driver
  16. Driver
  17. Driver
  18. Driver
  19. Driver
  20. Driver
  21. Driver
  22. Driver
  23. Driver
  24. Driver
  25. Driver
Entry list

  1. Hugo Hekkenberg
  2. Chris Sykes
  3. Yuri Braham
  4. Jim Hawley
  5. Eric Plimmer
  6. Martin Kraaijenbrink
  7. Carl Middleton
  8. Tom Ostry
  9. Ronny Rooij
  10. Dmytro Botnarenko
  11. Mark Johnson
  12. Bob Miley
  13. Frans Linden
  14. Nigel Middleton
  15. Jakob de Boer
  16. Rob Musgrove
  17. Stefan Beemsterboer
  18. Oscar Hardwick
  19. Frans Linden
  20. Philip Sprangers
  21. Martijn van Bommel
  22. Freddie Besems
  23. Jesper Taulborg
  24. Peter Duivelaar
  25. Ethan Bass

  1. Caramidaru Andrei Bogdan (1st reserve)
  2. Marco Sbordoni(2nd reserve)
  3. Alexander Lauritzen (1st maybe)
Got stuck in pits after warmup and had could not start.................. DAMN race07

Well, I'm very sorry about that, but please, don't go jumping about TS going "Has the race started, I'm in the pits still, blah blah blah", and basicly being a nob. It's very distracting. I hit Michael van Scheppingen because of that. Thankyou very much.

Then there were so many ****ing utter FAILS. Nigel Middleton, try moving up the the guy infront of, instead of trying to keep a 100 yard gap between you and him. Were already so far back due to the nature of these pathetically pointless manual rolling start. Please get a move on you idiot. IMO Manual Rolling starts only work when they are double file, and most of whom are racing are on TS. You know, like in ATCC. Tonights was horrible, some people obviously didn't know how to do one, and all it does for people down the lower end of the field is punnish us even more. 1) You've had a bad quali, poor you, next 2) Do a lap that puts your 30 seconds behind the front runners before the race has even started. Have fun. Yeah :rolleyes:

Next Fail was, why in the name of all that is holy, did some of you basicly reduce your pace to a crawl, even though the leader has crossed the start finish line. All you did was bunch things up. Then you had people behind you who knew that, once the leader crossed the line, you could floor it, but just don't overtake before the start finish line. Utter utter fail. I dived left onto the grass to avoid the pile-up of cars, but unfortunatly, some people ended up having damaged cars. Well done all, well done. What a way to start 50+ mins of racing, fantastic.

Next Fail. Fall off the track on the exit of turn two, when trying to apply a tiny bit more than half ****ing throttle. Car was basiclly useless today. Full lock sometimes just to turn into the slow corners, ones like the hairping before the two back straights. Then on the exit of the slow corners, if I tried to apply some more throttle, the car would try and bloody spin on me. No rear end grip what so ever on the exits. Even a few laps after my pit stop, with tyres up to temp, the car had next to no grip. Argh ffs. Then I was being killed in a straight line due to having a wing of 9. Then, because I'm a ****ing noobie pussy at times, I was always caught up in the braking zones, because no matter what, I just can't brake as late as some people. So yay, slow EVERYWHERE on the god forsaken track. Yay ****ing me. :mad:

Then the next ****ing Fail. I unfortunatly tag Michael van Scheppingen at turn 13, spinning him. Drop to the side of the track to let him back pass, but its dropped us to 24th and 25th respectivaly. Looking at the replay, we didn't actually physically touch, but our bumpers deform a tad, so contact was made. Chris Sykes told me after the race I was rather laggy. I can't understand why though. I wasn't seeing any real lag. Nobody in my house was uploading or dowloading lots of stuff, or anything or big. I didn't have my Firefox open, and the computer wasn't overheating or anything like that, and its only 10 months old, has a Phenom X4 945 at 3.0 GHz, 4GB of DDR3 ram running at 1066, a 5850 ATI card that hasn't been overclocked, all sitting on a Republic of Gamers Crosshair 3 Formula motherboard (that okay hasn't had a bios update in a while), so the computer can't be the problem. I know my broadband isn't that quick with speeds at such shown below, but I know people who race online with slower connections. Added to the puzzle, that I'm hooked up to my 2.0 BT Homehub by some Cat6 Ethernet cable. WTF is going on with my connection, I'm having alot of races lately where my car is bounching around a bit. Could it be in-game framerates? I was getting between 5 and 62 FPS around this track with my current settings. Sometimes on the exit of the parabolica at Monza I see a slight stutter of the surrondings. Another track where I saw some stutters of the surroundings was when I was up in the hill section going past the trees at Limerock Mountain. Currently thats all I can think of.

Well, next fail then. On lap 6, I get up the back of Frans Linden, I can instantly tell I'm quicker than him, especially under braking (odd thing I know), but I couldn't find a way past, and then at turn one next lap, I cock it up. Then with all that, James Huges has caught up to us. He gets past me on the exit of turn one. Following Huges and Linden through turn 11, Linden gets a little wheelspin causing a slight slide to the left. With that, hes real deep and is far from the apex of turn 12. So goes to take turn 13, sitting on its apex while I'm trying to do it at the same time. He starts to brake for the corner, being almost completly perpindicular to the corner. I try to slot in to the left of him, but end up tagging the left rear of his car. His car goes out a bit wide on the exit, and I try and stay to his left, but don't succed, and end up hitting him again into a spin. FFS! Argh!! Stop and let him past, then only to be held up at the next set of corners until he falls off the road at turn 19/penulatamite corner.

After that, only real things that happened were the leaders lapping me from lap 15 onwards (FFS, your not this god damn slow, what the **** is wrong with you, you can race people in GT Sport, WTCC, Muscle, 87s, Minis, why the **** are you so god damn slow and pathetic in theses?!). Then I had Tom Ostry drive up to me, but all I could see was a name tag, thank god I use them, because your car was completely invisible. So once yo got past, I just decided to back right off to avoid in silly punt due to me not being able to see you.

So, all in all, one of my worst races I have ever done on RD. I just don't know what the hell was wrong. Was it me, the car, or that I don't get along with the track. On my side, I spent hours on that server today, hours before the server went to official practice, and I must have done well over 50 laps before the race. But in all that time, I could barely do 2:13s, and would normally be only capable of doing stuff like 2:14s and 2:15s consistently. Only until the race I was able to do a 2:12.5xx at some point. On the track, other than just about every curb I touched seeminly wanting to spin me when I touched it, I had done plenty of TAs to learn the braking points in a GT Pro, so not sure about that being the problem. The thing I beleive was the biggest problem was the god damn car. Now, I have barely any experience in a GT Pro car, and only jumped in the Saleen due to a lack of testing with the other cars. But no matter what I did with the thing in terms of setup, the car would never settle down. It was forever a nervous car to drive, I felt like I had barely any control over it at times. The car would be a pig in the slow corners. Ones like turn 7 (the hairpin), turns 11 and 12, and at turn 20 (last corner) the car really didn't want to turn into to them. But at allthe other slow corners, it was still bad, they were just the worse, mainly because, on the exit of those corners listed, the car would try and spin with even a slight bit of throttle movement before the car was in a straight line. So it wouldn't turn in properly, with the problem only made worse with worn tyres (around the low 80% mark). Making it horrible slow at the apex, for it to only then try and (succed some times) spin on me under acceleration/application of throttle on the exit of them. I just don't get it. People who have raced me know I'm not an idiot, or pathetic when it comes to racing, and I know how to set cars up (from WTCC to Extemes, 87s to Muscle cars) and I can race door to door with people in almost every car (from WTCC to GT Sport, Minis to DTM). So what the **** was wrong tonight in this GT Pro Saleen S7?!

To try and figure something out, here is a link (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Z8YHVLON) here you can download a WinRar folder containing the setup used for the Saleen, and the Motec files produced. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I hopeto take part next week at Silverstone, but if the samethings happen tonight at Silverstone, it'll probably be my last GT Pro race for a while.

I just don't get it, the GT Sport Mosler is a dream to drive, one of my all time favourite cars, the 2010 DTM cars are nice and lovely to drive, the WTCC Extreme cars I've been racing with some mates of mine aren't bad. In all of them, I could properly push them, and have confidence in them that they were going to do what I asked. That Saleen tonight, or a previous race at Limerock Mountain in a Audi R8 GT1, the car (in the second race, weird cause in the first race, it was okay) was nervous and lacked grip, making me weary of what it was going to do next.

Something is wrong and I need to know what.

Hope to see you all next time.

Glad to see some good comments and that people generally enjoyed this event.

I was so looking forward to this race, my 1st in GT Pro and my 1st 60 minute race.

Because I am not a naturally fast driver, I put in about 3 hours of practice for this, getting used to the new cars (which are awesome by the way) and the track.

Was quite pleased to qualify 18th with a personal best in the 11's and was sure I could finish in a good midfield position because I pride myself in running consistent race lap times.

At the end of the formation lap the midfield pack bunched up very suddenly. Somebody up front must have braked very early for turn 1, I guess, and this caused a consertina effect which caught out a few drivers. Sadly for me Marco didn't see that we had all slowed down and hit me very hard - into the wall. I lost my splitter and I soon learned these cars don't go around corners so well without a splitter. So I had to pit straight away with over a minute lost in the pits. Not the best of starts.

Anyway, now realising my only hope was to just finish the race (Avoid DNF's at all costs!) I carried on just trying to keep out of trouble to the end.

Pitted at about 30 mins for a new set of 4 tyres only. I had started with 31 laps of fuel so that should be plenty for the whole race. How wrong was I about that!

Pushed my luck on choosing to pit for a splash and dash on about lap 23 (I think) only to totally run out just before the last turn before the Pits. Argh... so I didn't even finish the full race distance. All that hard work and effort for no gain - good grief....

I suppose I must put tonight's event down to experience and learn from it. I seem to be saying that a lot recently - maybe my luck will change soon for the better.

I must say that I very much enjoyed the challenge of these powerful cars and I have now learned another new track.

As always, many thanks to Hugo and RD for setting up this event.

ps. Don't feel too bad Marco - these things happen
1stly. I really enjoyed that. My only issue was that a lot of people kept disapearing from the track and the only way to see them was if you had the name tags up. The car was not there, all you could see was the name floating above the track.

2ndly. I had some great battles with the mid field drivers, Lee Palmer was 1 of them and a few others. Nice clean racing. Well until the last 2 laps when everything went to pot. I have no idea but it was like someone came and put a new car under me. I span out and had a bit of a bump with Bjorn de Haas which was just a racing incident. Nothing none of us could of done, but i gave my spot back to him and then I had an incident with someone on the last lap who i didn't even see, but after reading this. I think it was Mark Johnson.

If it was Mark. I've very sorry. I just lost you completly and then when i saw you, you was at the side and bang. So if it was you. I hold my hand up and it was 100% my own stupid fault. I'm 90% sure it was him as i finished 16th and it showed me at the end 23rd. Weird.

If i am getting a wrap for this. I shall take it and get on with things. I know i'm not an idiot or a rammer as i could of done about 20 to 30 dives up the inside of others but i didn't. I just held my place and on certain places. I got out of the way of someone and ended up losing a spot.

Again. If it was you Mark. I'm 110% sorry for that. It was just my stupid fauly and no mallace was ment by it.

But..... It was a GREAT EVENT and thank you for hosting it and i hope to be able to race the next one.


I had started with 31 laps of fuel so that should be plenty for the whole race. How wrong was I about that!

The same thing happenned to me Eric. We should have checked during practice how much fuel is needed for a clean lap. Moreover i couldn't manage to fill my tank due to my mistake since i didn't push enter on the fuel button :))) So i had to do a second pit stop for fuel only. i.e. i pitted for three times including the pitstop for tyre change only :))

Stability of the car changed greatly after a few laps. i really surprised of that. it was very hard for me to get used to it.
Anyway, it was fun for me, thanks to all for the race.
Spent most of the time to find me a good setup to drive these cars around on this track. (the day before i made me a stup for the Dodge for Monza USrace at night, and that worked out fine gaining 6 seconds)

Nevertheless it was useless for this track. So tried several cars and finally decided to to for the setup from my G27 wheel.
Overall i wasnt ready to race. Just making my laps getting used to my wheel setup.

Strange to see that the game shows me ending up on 9th spot, while i was almost at the end of the pack.

Now i gonna practice a lot in these cars again staying away (i hope) from WTCC/F3000 public servers events. Cause im getting confused with all the different cars to drive around.
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