RACE 07 Racing Club (Merged)

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Hya all

As a start lets kick some WTCC cars after the pause period. :)

Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 CET
Practise: 30 min
Qualy: 30 min
Race: 2*10 laps
Weather: Dry

Track: Istanbul
Cars: WTCC 06 and 07

Server name: RSC # RPMnet.org
Password: spa

Server 1 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #1
  1. Attila Domján - Chevy
  2. Gareth Hickling - Peugeot
  3. Pauliebhoy Harrigan - Seat Leon
  4. Gregory Degreef - BMW E90
  5. Mehmet Arikan - Seat
  6. Jerome Benard - Alfa Romeo
  7. Cristian Haba - BMW E90
  8. Christian Deparis - Seat 07
  9. Jens Hoeppner - BMW E90
  10. Patrick van Driel -Seat Leon
  11. James Yates - BMW E46
  12. Jari Vinnari - BMW E90
  13. Marcel Hulsbergen - Alfa 156
  14. Peter Böszörményi - Seat Leon
  15. Kent Karlén - Chevy 07
  16. darron miller - Peugeot
  17. Michael Herrmann - Alfa 156
  18. Nico Major - BMW E90
  19. Rami Kaukola - BMW E90
  20. Christopher Aponte - Seat LEon
  21. Simon Trendell - Peugeot
  22. big daddy Morpheus Lightning McQueen - car tbd
  23. Baron-Rouge[NO-B] - Seat Leon
  24. ingemar petersson Seat Leon
  25. Nevermind - Seat Leon
Server 2 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #2
  1. Driver
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Oh I do love this track. Always have fun racing here. Good racing from where I was sitting....

in my new home of up in the top ten. YAY! :cool:

The Alfa typically felt great after very little was done to it and made running around here nice and easy apart from the adverse cambered corners, but what you going to do with them.

A decent lap, but really should've been better. I get a 1:38.3xx, which puts me in 13th, but then Bob Miley dropped going to warm-up putting me 12th for the race.

Race 1:
Good start, and head into turn one where a lovely big space has been left. I climb a few places as Bjorn de Haas and Jelle van der Knaap have a comming together. Then passed Carl Middleton while hes on the grass after his group of cars have a slight rub fest.

Then past Geoffrey Fournier after he goes wide at the first hairpin. So now I'm up to 7th, with Michael van Scheppingen breathing down my neck trying to out drag me on the back straight towards the second hairpin. On your bike son, Alfa beat in a straight line, sod off. :tongue::wink:

I make a late break manouver into the hairpin to get side by side with Stefan Beemsterboer for the exit. I got there and was on the entry to the corner when hes turning in (I guess I need to shut up now about my Alfa's brakes :tongue:). I don't get a good exit with wheels on the grass, so I slot in behind for the double 90 lefts. Stefan has a slow exit from the second, allowing me to get alongside for the next hairpin. So I'm n the inside, simple move and I'm up to 6th.

I look to catch the top 5, but over the next two laps, I just can't keep up. Them just that bit quicker over a full lap. So I just try and get away from Stefan and Michael who are fighting behind me.

Then on lap 3, argh, silly mistake made through lapse of concentration. I don't take a tight enough line through Mike Knight Corner, and end up having my left rear on the grass trying to slow for the last corner. I brake, car goes sidways, correct, then sideways into the gravel on the exit of the last corner. But some momentum is kept and I re-join in 9th. Argh!

Now behind Geoffrey Fournier and I can immediatly tell I'm either braver/better on the brakes than him. I close right up to him under braking for the second hairpin. Sorry for the taps at the next hairpin. So I decide to just follow him for a few laps and figure out where I can make my move. Both of us having similar pace and running very close together.

Under braking for the second hairpin on lap 6 I try to out brake him, but I wasn't close enough. Fournier leaves me room on the inside, which comprimised his exit speed, allowing me to sneak up the inside of him. Sorry for the door to door bump, tried to take the corner tighter so we wouldn't tag, but Alfa wasn't having any of it, it wanted past and up into 8th. Fournier stays close for a good lap roughly, but by the back straight, a comfortable gap has been created.

On lap 7, Aristide Romanov (in a Honda :confused::confused::confused: wheres the BMW power?) is the first to pit.

On lap 8, I'm making an effort to catch Stefan, Michael and Ryan Callan who are all close together. Ryan pits, with Michael looking to do the same. But Michael locks up trying to slow for the pits. He ends up going across the grass to avoid a tyre wall, but he comes back right into the path of Stefan Beemsterboer. Stefan is sent flying into the gravel. He re-joins still in 5th, but now I have an opportinuty at him.

I try to get down the inside for turn one. I seem to take Stefan by suprise as he turns in on me, sending a little wide, but still on the track. (Mirrors dude, useful things) We then head into turn two side by side with me on the outside. I give Stefan room, too much room and I slide over the top of turn two due to being miles off the racing line. Rear goes first, but I come in contact with a tyre barrier before the car can spin. Re-join once out of the gravel, and now I'm back in 6th with Carl Middleton closing.

I decide to pit on lap 9 with my tyres now below 80%. I almost end my race going into the bloody pits. I move across towards the entrance, but I'm going probably a good 20KPH too fast. Go over some grass on the left of the entrance, then the rights go over some other grass, not really allowing my car to slow down properly, and I narrowly miss tagging the barrier.

So after changing both left tyres, I emerge a little closer to Michael van Scheppingen.

By lap 11, Carl Middleton has caught up to the back of me and I can tell he could go a damn sight bit faster if I wasn't in his way. With me keeping him behind me not helped by the fact that I just can't do that damn inverse cambered Hobbs corner at the end of the lap right every lap.

I get back up to 8th as I pass Geoffrey Fournier whos exiting the pits on lap 12. Fournier goes immediatly on the attack, as he badly wants to get past Middleton. I then again make a mistake at Hobbs and Middleton is easily past me. But he then gets slidey throught the last corner, allowing me to catchup on the striaght. I then show him the nose of my Alfa as I brake late for turn one, making him give me room. He ends up going off on the exit and allows both myself and Fournier through.

I then go through the first hairpin a little slow, and this allows Fournierto sneak up the inside and power away down the back straight. Now in 8th. I then again for the third lap in a row, :mad: make an error at Hobbs, and Middleton is back past me.

Oh no, 9th, not again, sod this, come here Vectra!

Under braking for the hairpin after the back straight, I give Middleton a little tag, and another at the next corner. C'mon laddy, get going. Lights ablaze, you will be past by the end mate.

Both Fournier and Middleton are a little scruffy in their Vectras, but are just a little faster through the faster corners, but I'm quicker on the straights and better under braking. Both of these two aren't getting away from me.

Then on lap 16, Middleton then makes the crucial mistake at the first hairpin. Getting a little out of shape and having a slow exit. I use the draft and get alongside for the braking zone. I brake later than him, lock the fronts up a bit, but make the corner with ease. Now up 8th, yay ****ing beauty. Now all I have to do is keep it, but this track is killing my tyres. Right was roughly around 55% and the left around 80% at this time.

I then drive fast enough with no silly errors and hang on to 8th. I'm glad we only had two laps to go after I made my pass. Middleton was all over me, and one mistake or even an opportunity of a pass, and I'm sure I would've been passed.

:woot:But, FINALLY, FINALLY, my first 8th place in race one of an RD event! :woot:

Race 2:
Well, this is new, nobody in front of me. Such a lovely view from pole. :redface::D

Now that I'm on pole for race two, all I wanted to do was have a nice and easy first lap without any offs.

Nice and clean start, giving me a bit of a jump. But Michael van Scheppingen is close behind, and by the exit of the first hairpin, hes looking for a draft.

I don't try and brake late for the next hairpin and stay nice and straight, turning in when I want to. But Michael gets down the inside and is away. Geoffrey Fournier tries to follow but its really tight. We have a bit of a rub, slowing both of us down, allowing Ryan Callan to catch us. I get a slight tag from Mr Callan at the next corner, but nothing serious. All this puts Fournier wide for the next left, putting onto the grass and gravel, allowing Ryan to get past.

On lap 3, I get a little sidways over turn two. I get the car corrected and pointing the right way on the exit, with Ryan and I narrowly avoid having a huge accident. He saw me go sideways and shouted "Inside" on TS, but I had barely any control, so its lucky Ryan was able to avoid me.

Karl Dubois also gets past at that point as well, dropping me to 4th, with Matthias Klein now breathing down my neck.

Over the next few laps, I do my best to keep Klein at bay, while I watch Ryan and Dubois slowly but surely pull away from me. On lap 5, I go wide on at the first of the double 90 lefts, allowing Klein to get past. Sorry for the little brushes. Now its Carl Middleton's turn to attack me.

He doesn't have to wait long to get past, as I make a mistake under braking for the first hairpin the next lap. Locking my right front, getting the car sliding a bit and having a poor exit. All this allows Middleton to drive round the outside of me. Sorry for the bump on the exit of the second hairpin. Put some power on and I just ended up going straight into ya. :confused: Sorry.

On the same lap (lap 7), both Michael and Dubois attempt to go for a pitstop, but both end up sliding across the grass on the entrance. This allows me to get up behind Dubois. But me being close to him is short lived as by the hairpin, hes already gone. Also add to that, Gábor Ludvig makes a brilliant manouver to pass me under braking for the hairpin. Sorry for the tag at the second chicane.

People in front start pitting. I decide to stay out until lap 10. But it probably did more harm than good. After the first race, I decided to put in some more pressure into my tyres to try and make them last longer. But all I did was mess up the temps and I was running around with a noticable loss of grip compared to the first race. To the extent that the fronts were starting to overheat. Whoops.

Over the next few laps, I'm just trying to keep my tyres in decent shape. But on lap 14, I make a mistake at Hopps corner, running wide on entry, making me run on the curb on the exit. This spun the car round. I engaged reverse to try and get out of the way quickly. Thanks Stefan for avoiding me. I should probably have gone and engaged first, but oh well.

So I now have Bjorn de Haas behind me, but all I'm thinking now is, "Just bring the car home." So for the next few laps, all I do is try and take it easy, no silly mistakes, don't try and catch Stefan.

I bring the car home in 8th place for my second points finish of the day.

Thanks for the racing guys, cya all next time.
On lap 7, Aristide Romanov (in a Honda :confused::confused::confused: wheres the BMW power?) is the first to pit.

Bmw power was offline because I have a french car that invented front wheel drive :) .

Race 1
I've lead the race for a few laps, after pole winner Ryan Callan had some issues back in the field.
Carl Duboil made a succesful overtake but Honda power is better than expected and gave TDI power a hard time.
Honda - power of dreams made an unsuccesful overtake so I gave up and went for a pitstop.

After everyone went in for fresh rubber I've shaved off the seconds between me and Gabor Ludvig and passed him for 2nd place. I've slowed down before finish and waited for him to pass me - fair-play defending few laps before.
I know that this is a "If you sign up you most be there" race but my internet have been really bad since yesterdays WTCC 87 club race where I had a DC during the first race. I really hope that my internet will just snape out of it but just to make sure I don't brake any RD rules may I be changed to "Maybe".
It was great fun for me, first race i have a very good start and manage to take over Yves on start and take opportunity (in first corner because i was inside) to take first place, it was very hard but i hold 1st place to end of race. I have a big pressure from Yves. btw very nice drive from u m8. Second race it was not so good for me i was 1 sec slower but i manage to finish 3th from 8th place, and i have great fight with my team m8 Jadran.http://www.racedepartment.com/?lang=engcro&word=opportunity
Servername: RACEDEPARTMENT S2000


Valencia 07 Default Simbin track (Track & format by race director)

(No pm received from both number four finishers)

Weather forecast:

Start Time: 19:30 GMT

Practice 2: 30 min Start @ 19:30 GMT
Qualification: Superpole 10 min
Warmup: 5 mins
Race: 2x 30 minutes
Pitstop: 2 Tyres minimum

Available cars: Peugeot 407 2006 / STCC Peugeot 308 / Seat Toledo 2006 / STCC Audi A4 / Alfa 156 GTA 2006 / BMW 320i E46 2007 (RDTCC S6 format)

If you are this weeks number four, You will get a chance at being next weeks number one by choosing a track and format. I will add a poll to next event with the tracks and format chosen. If you are 4th in both races (possible :)) It is your choice alone \o/

The format choice:
Single race 60 min vs Double race 30 min. / Open Qualify vs Superpole Qualify / Forced pit stop vs Open pit / Add on cars vs Default game

Notes: Click here to read the password and the rules!

Most important RD rules:

  • Only sign up if you are sure you can participate.

  • Sign-ups can be refused by the race director.

  • No cutting in any sessions.

  • If you hit another driver, wait and give back his position

  • No chatting during Qualify or Race. Even sorry isn't needed. Do it after the qualify or race session is completed and all drivers are off the track.

  • No abusive language during any sessions.

  • Listen to the race director at all times.

  • If you feel harmed by an accident caused by another driver you can use the incident report option. Send the Incident report accompanied by a video to the race director through PM only.

  • If you sign up for this race we expect you to be there 10 minutes before the qualify starts. If you are not present on the server, the racing staff will confirm the reserves.
Note from the race director:

10 minutes before the qualify starts the grid is closed! Signed up reserve drivers already present on the server during official practise, earn their starting position at this point.

Drive relaxed, fast and fair \o/
Sign up list

Server 1 &2

  1. Greorgios Davakos SKIN
  2. Carl Middleton
  3. Michael van Scheppingen SKIN
  4. Menno Hagen
  5. Bruno Sousa Ferreira
  6. Murat Erdogdu
  7. Eric Plimmer
  8. Oliver Wickens
  9. Miquel Neto
  10. Mark Guy
  11. Nigel Middleton
  12. Ryan Callan SKIN!
  13. Henrik Horvath
  14. Mustafa Gungor
  15. Dan Allinson
  16. Claudio Caferri
  17. Oscar Hardwick
  18. Jure Skraba
  19. Henri Viirok
  20. Stefan Beemsterboer
  21. Martijn van Bommel
  22. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>Temporary server line
  23. Mark Sørensen
  24. Paul Herman SKIN
  25. Aristide Romanov
  26. Peter Duivelaar
  27. Ethan Bass SKIN!
  28. Hugo Gonçalves
  29. Goncalo Inacio
  30. Reik Major
  31. Wayne Mitten
  32. Jakob de Boer
  33. Eric Nelson
  34. Caramidaru Andrei Bogdan
  35. Terry Harmer
  36. Henri Viirok
  37. Nicolas Hamilton
  38. David Zafiu
  39. Hugo Hekkenberg
  40. Kasper Larson
  41. Kelvin v/d Linde
  42. Wesley Hartog
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