PC2 Project Cars 2 Racing Club (merged)

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Bram Hengeveld

Website Founder
Welcome to RaceDepartment's Racing Club for Project CARS! Project CARS can be played on various platforms: PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and we'd like to facilitate and encourage our members to post challenging casual events for members by members.

Platform Prefixes
We now use Prefixes (which you will be required to select when creating a new race (thread).



Setting up a race
First of all start with a plan. Post a thread not at the final moment before you want to race but open it a couple of days in advance. Official RD events are always scheduled a week in advance for the highest change on success.

Secondly order your threads properly and try to make it as simple as possible. Not everybody wants to read a wall of text with requirements. Keep it simple, easy and friend.

Contents of a racing club thread
  • Select a prefix for your platform of choice.
  • Thread Title: Car Class @ Track - Date
  • Thread Content: Use the template that will be posted soon.
Good luck and have tons of fun racing and we hope to see you on track soon!
Sorry for the last minute sign out. Won't happen again as I won't be signing up for stuff.

While I can understand that family is more important than a game, and you might not be too happy.

I think you also should try to see it from our side. The time and effort we put down into this site, to try our best to provide a place for fun, competitive, hard and fair racing. Many clubs run with races that have a low number of drivers, that's ok. Not the dream, but OK.
The worst thing when hosting events though, is last minute sign-outs. Emergencies can happen. Life can get in the way. But Mother's day have been known for a long time, and it isn't fun when sign outs happens for reasons that shouldn't be something that suddenly pops up. It can also, at times prevent others from driving etc.

So, keep calm, and sign up for another race man! :)
Make sure your steam overlay is disabled
It was not working anyway, but will do that as well. Somehow my whole config now went back to some default settings and the ffb now clips at 10% of the output my wheels os capable of. I will remove it completely and install again. Before I went online everything was fine in free practice, but now I have bugs and issues all over the place :( I hope I get it sorted until the event.

/edit: Sorry just saw qualy starts now. Who ever wants to take my car feel free to do so as I am not able to join right now and my download wont be finished.
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