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I know we are all excited for this release. What I don't know is how many people intend to a) play it on the xbox one and b) would like to join some sort of a formal league here at Race Department.

There are so many possibilities, I've had to calm myself down from getting lost in them. However, my main passion, IndyCar, will probably not be able to be run until the DLC with the ovals comes to the Xbox One.

That said, what sort of series would you like to see? Personally, ones that come to mind are Tudor United Sports Car Series, WEC, British Touring Car, and DTM. One of these could fill the gap for me until IndyCar is possible, but others may have better ideas.

Please indicate below if you are interested and what sort of times you are available and which series' you prefer. We could follow the actual schedule of many a series, due to the timing of the release. Personally, if they get the ovals out before IndyCar starts, I'll probably turn my focus there, but nothing would prevent running another alongside.

The anticipation is killing me! :sick:
Why has the ingame cutting and extending penalties been removed? It would solve a lot minor cutting

Ideally Prehn it should stop all the debatable cuts and extends but we don't exactly race so clean we are in fact racing each other, so some of us will see the $hitty end of that stick at some point were it to be enforced. I've raced with it before with cleaner guys from this league and never had issues, but some others it may not work with since their driving is erratic and let's be real, rubbing is racing yea? Do a case study one day perhaps, let's all try it out one day and race hard n see how it works out cuz once we continue to et worse than we are right now we will need to Just lay off the stewards and just enforce those rules lolol.. :O_o:
Don't forget the backyard locker in the rear.
It's not that bad. It's more like driving a Ferrari, with set of Bald 185/70 r 15's on them.

lol. I guess the locker balances out the fact that I can pull a Dale Sr. on Peter (unintentionally of course) and have it sound like the locker is not only in front, but in back. The sound is the same as a 200mph head-on impact. The bald tires are crucial because we have to be able to watch the cars spin like crazy after they touch and encourage people to embrace bald tires and ice.
points after brno with penalties from dubai applied

yes adam showed what is allowed and that is very typical of imola at the chicane onto the back straight it will be as per last season so you can use the green run off but no more

the chicane is extremely tight and running off there is needed in these cars
Why would you?! It's simple I check to see if anyone has ran over the line if so slam dunk penalty. Everyone can check themselves and me anytime they want to. If you want I will post it here just to get the stewards to agree to what we can see

For Tyler's case, the drivers affected need to make a video for the stewards, as in the previous post by you, unless I misunderstood that.

2nd. We do need a video for pit lane exit on Ronnie simply because you aren't a steward, therefore you can't hand out a penalty on a race you participated in.
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