Post Pictures thread (Part 3)

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Hey guys, backing to racer, and what about doing a new section for screenshots? Everybody may agree with me, 160 pages are a bit too hard to find anything.

Well, about game, backing with 2.7L V6 DOHC TwinTurbo 265hp@5800rpm Quattro 01'




Bonus: Raphael's MR-S

It may be only a matter of time but still there are still plenty of cars that haven't made it to any simulation yet. Big studios will probably only focus on popular car makes and models. Any new Ferrari or Bugatti would make it to a game or simulation quickly, others are just overseen. The community could concentrate on these. Or maybe they are just overseen by me? Lancia Aurelia, Alfa Giulia Spider, Fiat Multipla, Melkus rs 1000 anyone?

I guess it depends what your hobby is.

For me it's making the entire car and making it really well, like you are doing with the Fiat. Or at least working on a car that ends up being really nicely finished (so I'd only work on a bit of it and do that bit nicely)

I've yet to see a really good conversion with care and attention put into every facet of it, which is a shame.

I have nothing against conversions, but I've yet to see a good one that is 'finished'... and that includes my own ones haha!

When you do a car fully and finish it all off, you realise that the head start of a mesh from another game saves you little time, and ultimately means your work is always a conversion, so you never get full credit, even if you spend the months and weeks to get it perfect for the Racer game engine...

Toyota Celica! Other than the GT series you won't find Celicas in games. Although FM3 does have a GT-Four.. but the physics and sounds are crap on it. Even the classic Mini, a true legend, is overseen.

And RB, keep posting your projects, they're some of the nicest I've seen on the forum! :)

Thanks ! =D

hm , forza 3 has really AWESOME sounds . I learned how to extract from the game and discover the banks for every cars . I researched almost all the disc just to find informations . All the database of forza is readable .

Hierafas : Your barchetta is a dream. I'm not a fan , but in my opinion this is one of the most beautiful italian cars .
Youre model defines very well this car : perfect .


In a free game , credits are not important . The good part is do cars that everyone can play , feel good and have fun .
This is why i do some conversions . For that people who likes forza 3 and don't like the physics or don't have a console , or wants a really simulator of their dream cars .

Here in Brazil , racer already passed the 1 milion and a half downloads barrier . =D It's just awesome.
In a free game , credits are not important . The good part is do cars that everyone can play , feel good and have fun .

THIS!!! As you may noticed I've been absent from converting and playing Racer in general. I just come here to check how is everyone and say some silly stuff on the Off-topic thread. :p

But I think I will come back! My 2010 Challenger is 99% done and I want to release it soon, same as the Escort Cosworth and the 70 Challenger. They will go to tracciontrasera as it's forbiden to post comercial models here. I know I say that I'll release my cars soon and then take a year (like Harey :tongue:), but I'm lazy and do tons of them at the same time, so I get clogged up at times! But they will, sometime, don't worry! :p They won't have every feature that Racer supports, but I think that all of them have a great driving feel and isn't that what matter the most? Really, who cares about movable driver models and wipers? As long has the car has a good mesh, shaders and ini's, it's fine by me! :D

Conversion or scratch made, the important is HAVING FUN! It's a free game, with content made for free by all (some?) of us. Racer is the Wikipedia of Racing Games. Free to use and free to edit, built by altruist people who like to share knowledge and passion with others!

I'm sorry if my writting isn't good, I'm sleepy! :tongue:
My 2 pence, lira, yen or cents.
I have made a couple of cars and a few tracks from scratch. I never figured out how to do a conversion.

Both methods are accetable by most of the racer community and rightly so. It doesn't make any difference how a car is made only that it is to the best of one's ability.

Oh yes! always check the Qlog before releasing them. LOL!

you are welcome boomer! You have a good sense, and do the right criticism. I Like to test and use your projects cause it is like mine, so many details, but isnt to be perfect, but very good. I like it. When you come and say to check qlog, I agree with you, I think qlog is the minimum to check before release, and later I tried to fix all them before putting available. But you can say what you want, you have made so many thing for racer, for ages!!

Back in the NFS4 days, most racing games didn't have very accurate car meshes and the vehicle count in the games was low as well. Community modders spent their effort creating much more detailed and accurate cars and felt rewarded afterwards.

Nowadays, when vehicle artist use 3D scanning and factory blueprints (NFS Shift, Forza3, GT5) creating ever accurate vehicle models, we community modders, have to face that "competition".

So, don't take my statement in the previous page as we should stop modeling and just convert all cars. I'm almost done modeling my new version of the Corvette C6 (along with the ZR1 and high quality interior), will soon start texturing etc.

Modeling cars from scratch is still a very good hobby for me at least!

You are another good person, as I like to call (senior member) who have credits to say, your corvettes, supra are a classics for racer, everybody must have one of your cars in their collection, it is a pleasure to use. As you said, modelling from scratch is your hobby, and mine is convert. I can model, but I dont like it enough to spend so much time modelling one car. But I never saw you saying conversion is crappy, piece of s.hit, blablabla.. and I never said nothing about others cars.. For example, many people here idolizes tiberius cars... well, he spent a time, effort, I can recognize it, never said anything to him in his topics or in msn.. but wast perfect, I have no one from him here in my virtual garage, strange feeling, sound bad fitted.. but it is MY opinion, and I never said to anyone. Just writing here for example.

It may be only a matter of time but still there are still plenty of cars that haven't made it to any simulation yet. Big studios will probably only focus on popular car makes and models. Any new Ferrari or Bugatti would make it to a game or simulation quickly, others are just overseen. The community could concentrate on these. Or maybe they are just overseen by me? Lancia Aurelia, Alfa Giulia Spider, Fiat Multipla, Melkus rs 1000 anyone?

Christian, I can't disagree with you never, because I am a FIAT-alfa fanatic! I miss so much this kind of car in another games!! You are my inspiration!
I guess it depends what your hobby is.

For me it's making the entire car and making it really well, like you are doing with the Fiat. Or at least working on a car that ends up being really nicely finished (so I'd only work on a bit of it and do that bit nicely)

What complete cars means to you? a very old bmw m3 with no interior? ok the ini is good.. but I cant call it as "finished". Ok, my conversions aren't perfection, but you can play and feel more or less how the real one is.. I cant go to ferrari showroom and catch a nice and shiny f355 to give a ride and see how it is in real, I just imaginate, show some videos, get some data on internet and put on to work. For me, racer is sharing.

I've yet to see a really good conversion with care and attention put into every facet of it, which is a shame.

2. But what is good for me isnt good for you. I don't earn money to do things for racer, I really dont care if someone wont like the ini, or shader, or anything. I like, this is the point. (not to be offensive, just my 1 cent)

I have nothing against conversions, but I've yet to see a good one that is 'finished'... and that includes my own ones haha!

Ok, but I think is more polished, when you don't like, don't download. Press delete on car folder, and all is right. I never said I dont like tiberius cars, but I never kept one of them here.. Otherside, I like very much some1 cars, his details and models.. I get frenetic when I see new pics from him and his projects.

When you do a car fully and finish it all off, you realise that the head start of a mesh from another game saves you little time, and ultimately means your work is always a conversion, so you never get full credit, even if you spend the months and weeks to get it perfect for the Racer game engine...

Sorry, but the credit isnt the most important here. Ok, I wont put out hierafas credits for his fiat, but everybody knows it is from him, and I guess the greatest happiness of all is pro christian testing and liking what he did.

Just to explain, nothing personal.

You don't get paid at the olympics, does that mean you wouldn't try for a gold medal?

To me conversions are somewhat like outsourcing, it's still a form of getting an end result, but you never really know the quality of the work and the work's never really yours.

Anyway, I'm going to stay out of this since everyone probably already knows where I stand and I also think this should probably be moved to the off-topic thread since it's not really about pictures.
All I'll say is that any car that can be officially released with racer is a good thing. Now...who's got some pics?
My god, don't be so melodramatic. Just because someone has a difference of opinion doesn't mean you have to go into *I'm just a piece of cheap metal* mode.

And yes, nice Plymouth ;)
try this: -----removed-------
By the looks of the posts after this I know what you linked to, even though I missed it. I already know about that and while I have messed around with em in Racer, these mod installers that I mentioned are for GT Legends and SHIFT. idk how to convert cars to those and tbh setting up an entire car perfectly even just in Racer takes a looong time and one *should* have personal experience with the car in question.

So like, while I have an 84 Firebird, it is a v6 and I have not raced it completely balls-out and the moment I get out of it I kinda forget what driving it felt like, even though I may know what to expect without thinking about it the next time I get in..
This makes me bad at determining the theoretical realism of cars in Racer so I kinda just rely on other people getting it right. :/ Of course, sometimes when a Racer car does something *really* wonky you can tell, but that is a bit different.

Also, whenever I try to do anything to a forza car in zmod I have to wait what feels like a min each single time I try to execute a task even though I have a 3GHz quad and other programs do not seem to be that slow.

That Plymouth needs more driving!
That update request thread caused me to go through some of my old Racer screenies.
If I may I would like to post some ancient shots of fun times with a Barracuda on schuchterV3 day.

Racer sure has come a long way graphically, and these are not even from v0.5.0 or earlier! :p (they are 0.5.3 b1.5 IIRC)
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