Lots of people want Two-Way AI Traffic, the AI Traffic will not suddenly pull out on you from all of the side turnings, they won't sound their horn at you and want a race... Get on a server while you're waitingAwesome, I will keep an eye out for that. Bookmarked your store page anyway in case an email never arrives
I saw the Boosted Media video, his setup is out of this world and your track looks really good with traffic.
Took the URD M4 out for a spin and that was good fun but i got told off by the Highway Patrol for using a race car on the public highway so perhaps i should stick to road cars in future. Track does look really good and you did a great job on it. I'll leave you a review tomorrow
Looking forward to the updates and Extras
Glad you bookmarked, that's the way it should be done... The more automated it becomes, the more time I have to mod
The track looks even better with a rather useful feature enabled.... anyone notice what feature is not enabled? anyone, anyone? bueller bueller? lol
I'll announce what's missing in another post in a few minutes!
Thanks mate was a fun run, also great to test a few things out, and drive with the crewView attachment 512800
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Was lucky enough to cruise online with the man himself today. Anyone who has attempted to make a track for this 2014 game will immediately understand what a technical achievement PCH is.
Amazing job, Phoenix! Looking forward to the future.
I think a few drivers online will need to learn the road a little more, but that's cool, a lot of corners I don't brake for... new drivers do. Nice to see it can handle 20+ cars nicely... hopefully someone can organise a stress test?
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