Unfortunately this project has hit a bit of a speedbump... Due to something I've done... a modifier or something in 3DS, my terrain mesh has gone faceted...
I've unified the vert normals.. which solves the facetting problem and makes the terrain look pretty normal... Apart from the "normal seams". But the terrain shadows have gone loopy... and the temp trees I'm using to test a few things... don't cast the texture's alpha transparency outline on to the terrain... instead resulting in "blocky" shadows.
Also on my road transition textures if I have depth mode on eNoZWrite (the setting I want to use)... the transition textures disappear so I'm using eDepthNormal instead... I'm pretty sure these two things are linked... and somewhere the terrain mesh is slightly ****ed!
As everything goes on to the terrain... I'm not about to put a ton of things in only for them to have to come out again if I need to do something drastic to the terrain mesh. Until I solve this it's pretty much on standby.. B***ocks!
This is how crap they look in the editor... I've also tested in game and they look just as crap
View attachment 208413
It's a shame as this mansion road is really fun to drift down.
I think that that is just the kseditor reverting back to its low res default (if what I'm seeing is the problem). To fix, maximise the window the go to "layout - save current", then restart the editor - should look a lot better