Sim racing needs to actually try to simulate a race hah!
I mean, go watch a real life series, than go play a sim, so much lacking, the immersion is almost non existent. Sims have advanced on physics but in a race there is more than driving.
The day we can have a situation like this, full of pit crews pushing our cars
Proper damage that triggers real life rules like FCY in a proper way (right now cars in sims move too much, even in situation where in real life they'd just stop)
Animated repairs, animated tow teams to get rid of the crashed cars (again triggerin real life rules)
That will be a day I dont think I'll leave home for a while lol
I just want to play a sim and feel in a race, none of the ones in the market give that feeling.
Like I said
on physics they have advanced well, they need to work on everything else, especially damage. Damage in sims are a total joke, yes, iR new model included.
But no.. instead we get ACC "official Blancpain game" with no rules, not even a basic FCY (and no full grids), Project Cars 2 with ovals and no rules (and small grids too), rF2 with some rules but a bugfest with them even online. Guys.. just stop! Get the basics right please...