Opinion: What Do You Think Is Missing From Sim Racing?

I wish, someday we can have a simulator that not only simulates real physics, but simulates what Automobilism is out of track. Imagine if we have a Sim, Multiplayer only, that you have to pay once for a car, but you can also sell it to other after you no long need it for other players or teams for very low cost like I dunno, 1 or 2 dollars maximum. And if you crash your car, you need to pay for the repair depending on how hard was the crash and etc... All with very low costs like U$0,50 for an engine, or U$0,30 for a new body or suspension...

Imagine if brands like BMW, Merc, Audi can sell their cars, and compete between then trying to convince the player, why their car is best comparing to others, like in real world, but obvious with very low prices.

That would make players more careful to not crash their cars, would create a "market" that you could buy or sell new and used cars or parts, or even rent it. Dunno maybe i'm being crazy but I think that would be awesome!

Sorry for some grammar errors, English isn't my main language!
- A proper, modern rally sim with no physics flaws (Codemasters just can't do tarmac it seems)
- A proper F1 sim (Codemasters... need I say more)
- Someone to challenge iRacing without the ridiculous fees
- Something with immersion and freedom of Test Drive Unlimited 2, but with sim physics
- Something with the fun of NFS open world police chases, but with sim(ish) physics
- Actually last two could be combined (TDU had cops, just refine that part a bit more)
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More single player focus, not even more hotlap challenges for Aliens....uhm i mean eSports.:whistling:

But honestly: The more and more growing "competitive" character in Sim Racing is drifting away, from just "having fun with driving" and enjoying of the actual experience. Of course, eSports and professional Simracing, World Fastest Gamer and so on can give a boost for marketing and aknowledgement in the mainstream, but when updates are getting delayed, because of eSports schedules (R3E for an actual example right now), or AI development stagnates, because it is of course hard to code, than progress is maybe stalling in favour of things, that are maybe not the first thing to look at, when talking about simulations.

Racing with real people is great and my wishes are probably part of a minority, but sometimes i like just starting a session with good balanced AI and having fun, without overthinking or practising to much before it. When i use rF2 with FCY on the wrong track, you will get a major immersion breaker, when the AI starts acting weird for example. Making the AI more consistent with weather changes, making it using the right tyre compounds, more consistency from track to track at the same difficulty and so on...all these things are strange in almost every sim.

Making bigger competitions more accessible for everyone with at least decent pace and not just the top 10 world aliens, could help for more shining through of eSports and marketing in the public.^^ But sometimes it is great, if there is not always the desire to copy something like iRacing or orienting too much at its success, because of online competition.
I'm going in another direction here, mostly because I already agree with what is listed above. But, if I could for a moment move from SIM to GAME, then I will. I'd like to see some of this on a mobile platform. I just don't have the money for a good racing rig. I have a T150 racing wheel mounted to a serving tray that I slide back and forth in front of my IKEA rocking chair. So, keeping it on the cheap is what's realistic for me.

Now, a mobile game, like one I can play on my phone, is fun. Although there is nothing fun about this latest version of the Formula One game from Codemasters is a joke. It's only a few laps, and your racing against another player real-time, although I suspect from what I've experienced they aren't actually there. You're not driving a full race, by any means. There aren't even pit stops. But, there is an opportunity for all that if they wanted to actually try.
Sim racing needs to actually try to simulate a race hah!
I mean, go watch a real life series, than go play a sim, so much lacking, the immersion is almost non existent. Sims have advanced on physics but in a race there is more than driving.
The day we can have a situation like this, full of pit crews pushing our cars
Proper damage that triggers real life rules like FCY in a proper way (right now cars in sims move too much, even in situation where in real life they'd just stop)
Animated repairs, animated tow teams to get rid of the crashed cars (again triggerin real life rules)
That will be a day I dont think I'll leave home for a while lol
I just want to play a sim and feel in a race, none of the ones in the market give that feeling.
Like I said on physics they have advanced well, they need to work on everything else, especially damage. Damage in sims are a total joke, yes, iR new model included.
But no.. instead we get ACC "official Blancpain game" with no rules, not even a basic FCY (and no full grids), Project Cars 2 with ovals and no rules (and small grids too), rF2 with some rules but a bugfest with them even online. Guys.. just stop! Get the basics right please...
I'd want to see more game engines that are suitable for tiny new game studios that want to make the jump from modding to developing a racing sim. Ac is too limited and already maximised to make use of it in any focused game project built around single series. Its strength is moddability which is not a strength that makes it desirable for small studio wanting to make their own game. Rf2 is a mess and even its own developer struggles to get it to work in its niche let alone leaving to small team in different kind of project. Same with acc although different issues. Rf1 is outdated and while it has lots of features and functionally and while it can do a lot of stuff the version you'd want is the reiza version of that engine which is probably not available. And can you make better sim with rf1 engine than reiza did? Would you buy your dream game concept if it game from a modding team and used the reiza rf1 game engine? Then you have the pcars engine and its suitability for small scale product is yet to be seen.

I'm not the biggest fan of old isimotor games but for small studios it really had an ideal path for small indie teams to make a sim. They can start as a small modding team and work on their free time understanding how the engine works. They get publicity and in game knowledge while doing so. The final jump from modder to game dev is all about finances. Game engine wise you already know what you get and you may even have lots of content ready for it. Only games that really offers that route is rf2 and ac. Neither of which is an ideal choice of engine for indie title because of their very specific limitations. Pcars engine has cut this route totally out by not having modding so they don't have any modders available to make that jump. Rf1 engine is so old that I don't think there are even any people who could build a game around it working on mods.

Essentially we are missing a complex sim engine that has good physics engine, lots of features to make a complete game around and be more than kind of product. It supports modding so people can graduate to it over time. It doesn't require much actual coding to make it do things but has some kind of support for it so smaller issues can be fixed and some features added.
— Realistic damage model is missing in ACC. iRacing new damage model seems really interesting!
— More Motorsport Series in ACC: GT4, TC America, British GT and so on.
Unfortunately IMSA WeatherTech is another brand, otherwise having it together with Blancpain would be amazing.
— Safety Car
— Turns based multiplayer on the single PC. Grand Prix series by Geoff Crammond had hotseat-mode! I had tons of fun with my friends, but at that time I didn't have a simrig.
— Race stewards able to recover the cars together with crane actions. Geoff Crammond still ahead of his time!
— Human driver able to get in and out of the car and walk inside the box among mechanics and engineers.
Codemasters' F1 games do it well, if only it could have interesting physics...
It's still a low priority for developpers (congrats Kunos on not including a Safety Car in a series where it comes out every race) but I think things are starting to change with simracing becoming more popular and attracting a wider, more casual audience.
I miss the kind of interaction we have on some flight simulators, for instance.
I wish some sim developer would focus on just a handful of cars (or maybe even just one) but make them exhaustively complete, down to the last knob and system. I wanna be able to roll down the window, check oil, inspect outside and under the hood, refuel the car, have persistent wear and damage... You know, not just appear inside the car and drive, but actually feel like you own and maintain the car.

Now in regard of gameplay, I dunno. With a sim like that, I'd be fine with just a nice open world to explore and sort of live in, but I guess you could have some kinds of race events as well.