Opinion: What Do You Think Is Missing From Sim Racing?

A properly structured championship/career mode. Which is lacking in most sims.

Give me structured seasons, a custom championship mode, proper rules, SC etc and some sort of special event/hot lap challenge.

Plus some sort of race opening/ending info, stats, cinematic (showing the grid order, track layout, temp, weather etc) would be nice as well. Most sim titles are certainly lacking overall racing weekend presentation/information.

And a stat page tracking my overall progress & my results during the season.

Something similar to F1 2019, which is the overall best packaged offline racer right now.
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I think you have it pretty much all in there already, not all in one game but each of the aspects of sim racing is in at least one of the racing titles

what SIMs miss the most is GAMEPLAY , they are too focused on simulation and not enough on gaming.

I miss the old days ( not racing but as a good example) where in Fighter plane games , you as a pilot had your locker, where you were collecting medals for your action

why can't you have a cabinet with trophies ? (in 3d !)
AI for engineers. As a driver supposedly driving for a race team I should be able to give feedback to the AI on what the car is doing and let it adjust setup. Let me focus on my driving. Couple that with AI race engineer who is giving me pointers during the race and settings up pit strategy dynamically and giving me options during the race. As I mature my driving, both the setup engineer and race engineer should mature and evolve to learn my driving style and preferences so it’s not starting from scratch each time.

In driving itself the sense of speed can be improved still. In most of the sims going through a slow corner, the difference in sense of speed between, 30/40/50 mph barely registers. That’s just not how it is in real life. This lack of sense of speed forces you to drive in a binary fashion vs driving by feel.
1. Ability to download or live-stream a race series’ driver laps in a sim and see if you can follow or overtake the leader. Rewards for accomplishing the overtake in a live setting. For some post-race fun, televise and commentate the best sim overtake in a virtual overlay. Might even be interesting during some of those ‘boring’ F1 races that get monotonous - like this past week’s in Singapore for example.

2. VR driver ride-alongs in official series live races. Could be a nice compliment to sims like iRacing and others for lap training and live immersion in a 3D environment.
I wish, someday we can have a simulator that not only simulates real physics, but simulates what Automobilism is out of track. Imagine if we have a Sim, Multiplayer only, that you have to pay once for a car, but you can also sell it to other after you no long need it for other players or teams for very low cost like I dunno, 1 or 2 dollars maximum. And if you crash your car, you need to pay for the repair depending on how hard was the crash and etc... All with very low costs like U$0,50 for an engine, or U$0,30 for a new body or suspension...

Imagine if brands like BMW, Merc, Audi can sell their cars, and compete between then trying to convince the player, why their car is best comparing to others, like in real world, but obvious with very low prices.

That would make players more careful to not crash their cars, would create a "market" that you could buy or sell new and used cars or parts, or even rent it. Dunno maybe i'm being crazy but I think that would be awesome!

Sorry for some grammar errors, English isn't my main language!
I love this idea
Yeah. Like mentioned the lack of a 'complete' sim.
IMO ACC is the closest one. But other games like the upcoming Automobilista 2 or even updates to RF2 and they can overtake it, who knows.
Like the tifosi say "next year is the year".

ACC is far from a complete sim experience because it's only relies on the Blancpain GT3 series, and modding is not even possible.
And the definition of common sense is?
That would sadly probably take a lot of time to put into words. But things like "be sensible and reasonable", "don't overreact" or the general notion of "live and let live" would be a good start I think.

Wishful thinking, I know. But I didn't really mean the original answer as a joke or something, it was more or less a serious answer. People acting a bit more reasonably is what I generally miss in simracing (though, sadly, not just in simracing) the most quite often.
A proper race engineer and team who set your car up, based on your feedback from practice. An end to the insta-spin when touching grass, half of my real world driving is in this mixed on/off-road environment.

Ability to turn OFF weather & dynamic lighting; sometimes I just want a fun race and don't want to be fighting weather and low sun on corners.... The sim knows when you left the track and when you rejoined, if the time is less than your average time between those points on tarmac then penalty of 1.5xtime difference.
We need more pilots on the servers. In other games, there are millions of players on the servers in just one game. That's a pain in my ass!
The number of our simulations offers something for every wish, but online it will be difficult!
Stop watering down the difficulty and bring back a pain in the arse to learn sim... like GPL was. When you made a mistake it was race over 99% of the time, there was no tow truck, vehicle reset or flashback crap.
And add the random mechanical failure like papy's nascar series had, the F1 games do a decent attempt at this but it could be more as more often than not the problem just fixes itself.
In short a hardcore sim option, one with no difficulty sliders or racing aids or gamepad controller options. A deep career mode which as others have suggested, has all the pains of everyday struggles to start a career/race team with limited funding, less skilled crew members and equipment and where you pay the price for poor on track decisions with costly repair bills and losing sponsorship and fines thus teaching people the rewards for wanting to learn to drive better and smarter.
Proper racing rules, proper safety car implementation, manually selectable grid (including the ability to pick each individual livery), full historical grids, including manufacturers which don't exist anymore, better AI.

Selecting the skins for specific grid position is something you ask Content Manager team for. I have been looking for that option too at one point.