Old Racing Club Threads (merged)

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Servername: Racedepartment.com MX-5
Password: Same as RD Club Events
Track: Brands Hatch GP
Class: MX-5 Cup / Roadster

Official Practice: 30 minutes (21:00 GMT / 4pm EST / 1pm PST)
Qualification - Lone qualifier (2 hotlaps)
Race - 18 laps (Standing Start)
Entries - 36
Fast tows - 1

Notes: Must be a RD Licensed member

Read the password and golden rules.
Thanks for setting it up Bram. Maybe folks are waiting for the driver switch capability to show more interest in this style of racing. I hope we can get more people if we are to have 3 classes.

Sorry to Dennis during the race for cutting down on him in the turn onto the long back straight. I saw you coming but was going to give you the space on the straight - I see in the replay how it looked like I was giving you the inside line there, but that was just my normal line. So, sorry for the confusion and the contact.
Yea, thanks a ton bram. I had an absolute blast out there tonight. I was pretty consistent at the beginning and soon moved into the lead after the faster guys had some issues. Led for a good 15 minutes and decided to make a pitstop at halfway. Not sure if i should have played it different. Anyway, fumbled around the keys to make adjustments for the pitstop and lost a lot of time which resulted in frustration. Drove a terrible second half of the race with spins and a couple wall bangs. It was like jekyl and hyde for sure but it was a great time nonetheless. I hope to be out there for the next one as the corvette is a blast to drive :)
it was a really fun race today guys, I needed that for sure! Thanks also go to the LMP guys who showed patience when coming up on us slower cars.

Good win in our class there Dario, even though I sure hope they fix the GT now since you didn't take tires... lol... My stop was dang near 30 seconds with gas and 4 tires, then after you stopped I was behind you by about 5 seconds... Doh...
Thanks for hosting this race. It was fun all the way, even if i don't know hat i did wrong to loose so much time at my pit stop...
Started from P3, but was a bit confused as the car on p1 starts to accelerate and the guy on 2 didn't. Due to that i lost 1 or 2 positions, which i was able to get back after some laps.
After that i was on a "long-distance chase" to Dennis Stammel who was more or less driving the same laptimes. Sometimes he was gaining a few seconds due to lapping another car and the next time it was on me to reduce the distance.
In the middle of the race he had an accident and i was able to take p1. With that it looked like i was getting nervous, because i was making several silly moves which put me back in p2. While racing less than a second behind Dennis, i decided to go to the pit to only take some gas and was hoping to do it quicker than Dennis and to take the lead again.
But instead of gaining a position i found myself on P5 after the pitstop, way behind Dennis. I pushed to close the gap between my car and the one in front and after a few laps, i was able to overtake this car (Morten Wernersen) and put some space between us 2.
I was also able to overtake my teammate Joachim Politzer and pushed hard to close the gap to Philip Stamm who was in second position at that time. With a bit more luck in regard to lapping other cars, i was able to close the gap in only a few laps and Philip and i fighted for P2. During our fight i saw on the Relative display that Dennis Stammel was loosing a lot of time and a few seconds later we overtook him as he was trying to drive without his rearwing. Now i was in P2 with Philip in P1 and saw a chance to win the race, because i thought i was slightly faster than he.
About 4 or 5 laps before the end, i was quicker through the last turn and tried to overtake him on he inside while we accelerated down the start/finish straight. We both braked quite late for turn 1 and because Philip was on the inside line, he had to brake a bit harder to hold the line. We managed to drive the turn in "2-wide" without touching each other until the end of the bend, where Philip tried to move back to his racing line where i was coming up. We had a slight touch but fortunatly, Philip managed to keep his car on the track and to brake early enough for turn 2. He drove the esses as usual, but hit to hard on the gas at the exit so that his car spun of the track. Can't say if he hit the wall, but i think so because after that he was out of the race.
Now i was in P1 and managed to end the race on that position. My teammate Joachim Politzer was in second position and drove a bit slower to try something like a photo-finish which we accomplished.

Thanks to all who took part in this race, especially to all GT and Vette drivers for their cooperation while lapping and also the other lmp drivers. That was great fun to race with you all. Thanks a lot!
it was a really fun race today guys, I needed that for sure! Thanks also go to the LMP guys who showed patience when coming up on us slower cars.

Good win in our class there Dario, even though I sure hope they fix the GT now since you didn't take tires... lol... My stop was dang near 30 seconds with gas and 4 tires, then after you stopped I was behind you by about 5 seconds... Doh...

yes, Jenson Button strategy works for sure with NTM :tongue:

take a look on pit entry/out laptimes:

Joe:......... me:
02:11.854 02:11.790
02:49.510 02:33.539

I started also with full tank and had to refuel only 20 L/6 gal?
You had me for sure, nice driving Joe, next time...
I've been really busy studying for my Pharmacy Tech Certification exam for tomorrow. And have been focused on that this week. So will be unable to join this race. Time will free up next week for some racing however :)

Scheduled it as an open race server for this event tonight at 8:45pm EDT. All are welcome!
I do Glenn, was good for 3rd place in my split, no I just need to remember which one it was. I'll share once we're in the server. And once I can work out whic one that it was, lol.

I've OTM and NTM setups for the truck at Pocono which is where the confusion is.
maybe i should say, as it will be around 3 am where i live, I cannot say 100% i will be there cause i usualy go to sleep and then put my faith in my alarm clock to be loud enough. so if im not there i am probably asleep...
if it would for some reason happen, im sorry :(
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