soo... it arrived today...
so after some struggling at the beginning.. to get it to work.. and finding the right eyecups.. (and to get them into them without to destroy the fresh unpacked rift ...
I startet with eyeracing .. because I heard about some problems with AC...
and well.... interesting
... I wanted to jump into a test session with the mx5 for the beginning... well.. didn't clicked right and ended up in my usual series.. the HPD ... well ok then the HPD then I thought..
before I started to drive I thought.. well this will be felt very fast because of that "in that car" thing.. ... well it wasn't
I was surprised how "slow" it felt.. but then again... I was even more surprised about the braking .... I braked WAY too early
(wanted to use spa because spa is my reference for all testing... but accidently used mid ohio..which I am not so familiar with..have to relearn it every season) and it was like this "landing ropes" on an aircraft carrier does stop me... I knew that things have strong brakes but soo strong wow
another thing I realized after struggling around the track.. searching for corners and brakepoints (yes the resolution is quite bad) that drifts and slides .. are somehow easier to catch with the rift... it all just feels a bit more natural..well you need a bit till you get used to the view... (yes the resolution is quite bad
however... I decided then to take the l49 finally around spa... and.. well.. it is quite impressing to sit in the l49
it's realy nice to look at all that things.. to look at the tires and all such stuff,,, also what I realized then.. the mirrors are looking very nice in the l49.. yes not alot of use with the resolution in the moment... but they are real 3d mirrors so they change the perpective if you move your head around... that was quie immersive... it's interesting that such little things are a total WOW factor in the rift...
the l49 also alot more controllable with the rift...
however after driving around a few laps... I wanted to see how AC is... if the bugs are that heavy...
unfortunatly yes they are at the moment... not usuable... some things are in the left eye some are in the right eye... and that are things like... the right eye has no bonnet... the left one has no wheel and such things.... very unpleasent to look at... it hurts the brain...
sometimes even such strange things like.. on the left eye the mirror goes through the tire and on the right eye the other side... realy strange things.. like not possible geometries..
however... let me say you... as soon as kunos fixes that... it will blow everything away... that things I could more or less normaly see... were amazing... in iracing I thought well yes it's nice.. but I thought that "in the car" feeling would be a little bit more....
then in AC wow... realy IN THE CAR... perfect 3D .. I took place in the fiat 500... looked to the left and was amazed how real the door felt like... it was realy like I was sitting there... I hope kunos fixes the rift support soon.. because that will be an amazing experience..
also a big thing.. which plays into that... in Iracing it's realy realy hard to see in the distance.. and also the close things are looking very pixelated.. I think it's because iracing forces you to play witht the native rift resolution.... where in AC you can use the 1900*don't know ... and it's just scaled then... so ofcourse the resolution of the rift itself is still bad.. bud you get a much crisper and also more relaxing to look at view... also easier to overlook the screendoor effect...
BUT there is one thing you all need to try if you have the rift and didn't tried yet... !!!
HALF LIFE 2 with the official valve rift support... (you have to set in the properties that steam will load the beta) then in the tools library of steam.. use openVR to calibrate your rift and measure your IPD and set your height (maybe a bit higher then real.. I used my real height and I felt a bit small in hl.. I was a bit shorter then anybody there
.... if that option is taken into account.. I don't know yet)
however first I tried HL2 without that calibration thing... and it wasn't that nice... I miss that in Iracing too btw... IPD seems to be A VERY BIG DEAL for natural feeling...
however after the calibration... wow wow wow wow...
I don't know how to describe it... it feels "airy" it's like you just look totaly normal in a world.. and you also recieve it as such... you don't believe how good the source engine looks in VR till you seen it yourself..
the part at the beginning when you leave the trainstation... and get on that place with all the people and drones.. wow.. then.. the part where you run over the roofs.. wow...
then after I fell through the stairs when alyx comes to rescue... she was face sitting me..
it's just amazing.. how detailed they created that world...
however... after all.. yes the resolution is indeed quite bad.. at some times it is even realy unconfortable because you can't focus things what you would focus usually...
things in the distant are realy hard to see and spot.. and not so immersive...
but close things.. are amazing..
btw.. I rifted quite a time now for the first day... and didn't had any problems... I mean yes sometimes .. especially while the HL2 loading screens... it's realy strange when you move your head and the picture follows... it's like falling over..
and yes after that long time for the first.. time... you feel that at some point the eyes are a bit stressed by that pixelated view...
but I am quite sure after my first try... the HD or 4k model or what ever the consumer version will get... will be a quite pleasent thing (if it's done right).. much more relaxing then watching on a 2d screen.. at some points at HL2 where all fit well together.. it was realy relaxing for the eye it was such a natural view.. that is what I ment with "airy" so you feel no resistance...
the only thing that is realy stressing at the moment are these pixels and screendoor...
however much written... tried to described my first experience with it....
ahh btw.. make sure you have a cloned desktop... you can't use the desktop in the rift
everytime I jump out of a game it's like aaaarghh it hurts whats going on... (because you see one half of the desk with one eye and the other with the other eye