AC Multiclass Abarth500/Mazda MX5@Neuplanitz, Wed 9th August 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
First things first. This is a beautiful, fun, and exciting track to drive. Pity about the falling forever issue on T1, the grabby wall on the first fast lefthander, the tracklimits curb thing and the pitlane.

This was a great circuit to drive but a very tricky one to race. Tiny concentration misses or a different line than the one you're used to and boom.
I was somewhat pleased with my pace increases during the whole training -> race process but everytime I came across a more race situation, it did not end well.

I'm getting confortable to starting end of the pack and it's always fun to sneak in through mistakes and the first lap traffic jams. Even with a bump on t1 or 2 I managed to easily reach the pack. Afterwards I remember being overtaken some 5 times by @thom462 and that was my first incident when arriving at the last turn almost side by side I lost it while braking and took him with me.
Later it was fun chasing @JOSEJ down but ending up making something stupid whenever I got closer.
Dont worry @Boukâh . I made enough mistakes on my own for you little bump to make a big impact on all the seconds I lost doing silly things.
I still have not looked at the replay but there was a nice fight with @JamKart22 that I think it might have ended with a high speed incident. I'm sorry if it was my bad. I def thought I kept to the right side of the lane even though I slid a bit.

Conclusion-> loads to learn:
  • How to setup. Thanks @Boukâh , the setup I tried from you gave almost one second even though it took me some 10 laps to figure out how to use it and stay on track
  • Don't push and try to match Thomas or Han when they pass me
  • Use just enough speed before trying to trailbrake
  • Trailbrake much more often
  • brake later -> better exits are better than good entries
  • don't freak out with slipstreams and maybe find a braking point also on the inside of the track if attempting an inside overtake before a corner.
  • much much more...
Thanks again @HF2000 and congrats to all the aliens
Yup, we just touched on the bend and I ended up on my roof and back to the pits.

Pretty poor race for me. Only downloaded the track 20mins into practice so got what I deserved!
And for next week:

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