AC Multiclass Abarth500/Mazda MX5@Montreal, Wed 14th June 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
That was quite an interesting race for me.
Every minute was action-packed and I never felt alone on track.
Gained a few positions on lap 1 after some lucky calls during a crash in one of the chicanes, then slowly the pack made it through.

Then the pace got much more stable, and Steve hang on in my mirrors for a few laps (the warping you saw me move forward I think I saw you jump back in the mirror, but from my end everything was normal so I was not 100% sure). That was until I felt a bump in the back during T2 and saw a Mazda pointing in the wrong direction in my mirror.

Hoping to pull away I pushed hard. Too hard because a few laps later I tested the rigidity of the walls. They passed the test. Decided to pit that lap since it was already messed up anyways and came out of the pits to an interesting 3 Mazda fight between Steve, Tomasz and someone else I can't recall anymore.

Decided to join in the fight to make it even more interesting but Tomasz showed me some really nice defensive moves! He pushed me off the line just before the hairpin to the point where I missed my breaking point and almost took out one of the other 2 Mazdas (Sorry!). Unfortunately a few turns later Tomasz spin out of the contention while fighting heavily with Steve and that was it for the fight and the positions did not change until the end.

Thank you Rasmus for monitoring the race, I hope the data will lead us to fixes in the future. Although I did not see much warping and typically I don't seem to be very affected by it I know how much of an issue it sometimes can be.

It was nice to see another Portuguese flag on the ranks, so welcome (back) Paulo.
Thank you to all drivers for a nice race and Han for organizing it.
Congrats to the podiums and I will see you in the next one!

- Ricardo
Felt for Hank, he got caught up at the wrong time and place, just as he was over taking me into the last bend, so any time and room making situation he would have had was removed from him.
He was left with a gap that was very difficult to close.


So I robbed him again.:roflmao::roflmao:

So only had some very small warping from Hank, from there on I was alone with a rare but very small bit of stuttering.

Well done to podiums, and a thankyou to Rasmus for his efforts, and to Han for the organisation.
For a circuit that I find difficult, managed a good race, pleased about that.

My ping is about 15 to 20.
Try using Sunday server??
Sunday hat some warping too in the last race. The issue is that it's not "Use the server of another day".
It's rather similar to having your browser open with 5 youtube tabs and one video starts to stutter and you test if the other tabs are stuttering too.
They may or may not, but the issue is something general with the browser and youtube.

But yeah, I'll do some detailed comparison between all configurations and try to find a pattern.

And I'll also message the emperor support about the warning messages for an explanation so we'll hopefully find a solution soon :)
It's rather similar to having your browser open with 5 youtube tabs
Only 5 tabs with all that screen real estate you have?? ;):roflmao: Thanks for monitoring things today! Interesting to have hear that there are noticable spikes in CPU as we race.

Had a good race today myself, luckily no warping into me or into someone else. Had p3 for a bit with arbaths closing, but I binned it in the last chicane wall trying not to send it over the kerbs, which Paul and Andre spotted :roflmao: Ended up putting me back close to Andre, who, after I hit the same wall again doing the same thing, was a second ahead of me 1 lap after I left the pits. Great racing from there on out, Jari coming along too. Photo finish at the end.

Thanks for racing all, han for hosting, and rasmus for the live race "IT'ing" :thumbsup:
Great race, unfortunately binned it 4 laps till the end having lead all race and perservered Reik's pressure all the time, he only 1-2 seconds behind all race. Unfortunately I get easily distracted by chat at the wrong time so maybe I got little bit distracted breaking for the chicane, lost the rear and thats the end of the story. No offense to anyone it's totally ok to comment race situations in chat, we are all here to have fun and conversation, no problem. Maybe I will assign a button to disable chat so I have the option to turn it off at certain situations. I already tried this once but then push to talk didn't work anymore when chat is active which is not ideal, maybe I can figure it out how to do that. As well it seems mosquito season started in germany as there were always flying some into my face and back and forth in front of the monitor which didn't help to maintain concentration losing a tenth here and there:roflmao:. I made the driving mistake at the chicane turn 9/10, guess hit the inside kerb too much, back end spun and thats it:O_o:.
Congrats to Reik, awesome pace and consistency, had a blast.
Thanks to Rasmus for all your effort regarding the warping problem. Actually for me it was ok, no heavy warping, much better than last wednedays.
Thx Han for organizing and all for racing, cu next time.
Hey Thomas, you can assign a second button in discord to switch off both headphones and microphone. It’s just under the field where you assign push to talk. I have push to talk on my wheel And mute all on a button box but you can assign a letter on your keyboard. Unfortunately there isn’t a button to turn off mosquitoes;). Well done on your race by the way, awesome pace especially with Reik on you tail.
I gave the Abarth another go after not driving it for over six months as I was getting a bit tired of plodding around in the MX5 and as they say, a change is as good as a rest! As this is not an official championship it’s OK to experiment and I was surprised how quick I got up to speed with the shopping trolley. As for the official championship I am yet to decided on my choice of weapon.:unsure:
I was doing ok, setting up another ‘Fazzi train’ by getting in Andre’s way for what seemed most of the race. Good battles Andre, and I know what it’s like as when I have been in the MX5, as my Abarth engine driver is usually Kimi.:D Can close up and get by in the turns but those straights:mad:.l

Well done to all for surviving and a big thank you to both Han and Rasmus for the work in trying to get to the bottom of the warping issue. I did see some and apparently I was doing a bit too, but from what I saw it wasn’t as bad as previous weeks.
Only 5 tabs with all that screen real estate you have?? ;):roflmao:
That was just for the analogy of the servers :p
I think I have about 140 tabs open currently. One browser window for each topic haha

The second monitor I bought a few weeks ago is a real blessing. The 21:9 3440x1440 is normally totally fine but I had to do tasks with multiple documents open at the same time and just started to get really annoyed..
Especially when screensharing a lot, it's way easier to just share the second monitor as the "public" one and throw everything at it, instead of changing the shared window all the time.

So yeah, if anyone thinks one monitor would be enough, nope :D

I can recommend this cheap focker btw. 1920x1080, 144 Hz IPS, gsync compatible working perfectly and all this for 150€
So... I melted on my seat last night! :cry: But I had a fun race so it was worth it... :laugh: Chatter was busier than normal reporting all warping incidents but I hope it delivers an optimal solution at the end.

I had done only 10 laps ahead of the race, good enough to find a decent racing line and braking points, but I went in with not a lot of expectations, having a grid of 20 drivers. Still, I managed a decent result in the middle with a place higher than my starting position, so I can call it a good race at the end. :coffee: I found consistent pace in practice and had an ok qualy. Dodged a big lap 1 incident that gifted me 4 places and held to that for a while, with Richard chasing after me. We came across Andre, Jari and Robert who were having a go at each other, joined the fray but resulted in me punting Robert at the hairpin due to a minor warp incident... my theory is that it happens during 'drafting' but I have no solid proof of that. Anyhow, after that I fell back and decided to pit. I came out behind Steve and Ricardo who were having a go at each other, followed up closely and profited from their struggles with a pass on both. Then I chased after Kimi ahead, managed to catch up with him but we had such similar pace that making a pass stick was as good as impossible... tried a bit of everything within racing decorum, including a late braking Ricciardo-move at the hairpin but, no mater what I did, even if I managed to get my nose ahead, his Abarth had the horses to retake the place on the straights... it was a long dance of 16 laps, including a drag race to the finish line where we ended 0.6 seconds from each other, but it was a ton of fun! Hope it was the same for you Kimi! :D

Thank you for hosting Han and Rasmus for monitoring our happenings... I hope the data delivers clues to our digital ailments. Congratulations to the winners and podium finishers, it seems this track was more competitive than expected and I hope next week we can have a similar event... less warpy would be good as well, haha! :thumbsup:
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Yes, I wrote my first computer program in Fortran4 on punch cards in school in 1980.
When I started working with an IT company in 1986 I programmed in COBOL on an IBM Mainframe.
No lagging of warping there:p!

I studied COBOL at college in the early 80s but didn't become a programmer. My career path eventually took me to the spirts industry, making sure the world doesn't run out of whisky, vodka or're welcome. :)
Next week one of my favorite new tracks!
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I studied COBOL at college in the early 80s but didn't become a programmer. My career path eventually took me to the spirts industry, making sure the world doesn't run out of whisky, vodka or're welcome. :)
You guys make me feel young :rolleyes:

It was about half a year since my last race and much longer since I had the Mx5. Also decided to join just one day before the event and did not know the track(which is pretty neat!)

With this I was not that disappointed to be so much slower than the next slowest driver.
I got to have a very nice view of everybody at the start and did not notice any warping.

The first 10 laps were pretty nice and I was keeping with the people that made mistakes early, and then I made a silly spin somewhere and lost the group for good. Halfway through the race I got caught by the front runners and that combined with the lack of being used to 1h races anymore lead to many more silly errors.

I was not really planning to being competitive, just drive and try to come back to a rhythm.
I really like the track but I dont think it suits me very well because Chicanes. Not only are they my weakness but I think I did not have the setup to correctly handle curbs and everytime I would go on them it would be danger time, while everyone else was just riding them. If anyone could share a setup with me, I could see how different it feels as I try it again this week.

I was a bit surprised to see the whole organization moved away from simracingGP. I quite like the site but I'm sure that there are good reasons for it. If someone could point me to a thread explaining it? ;)

Thanks for the great organization and to all the drivers! Looking forward to the next races!
You guys make me feel young
You're welcome!
If anyone could share a setup with me,
I'll attach a setup I send to Rookies as a good base setup.
If someone could point me to a thread explaining it?
In short RaceDepartment management and S.GP had different views how to proceed together and decided to split up. In Emperor we found a very good AC service manager that could be installed on our own servers. As organizers we're very pleased with it.
Since then RaceDepartment has started to join forces with Overtake.GG
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