AC Multiclass Abarth500/Mazda MX5@Montreal, Wed 14th June 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
I hope that @stigs2cousin will join us:
  • he's very good at calling!
  • I'd like him to be beaten by 9 shopping trolleys (10 if @DieseI joins us also)
Such a shame but I can´t be of service tonight.:(

As mentioned last week I made a previous engagement for tonight.
So you´ll have to do the hollering yourself tonight, give it your best try :p

I really appreciate the length your going to get this problem solved.

About being beaten by 10 Abarths, let´s see if Han can bully convince some more drivers to undergo this act of volontary self torture:O_o:.

Tell Ernie that I´ll give his best to his all time favorite car, the "Slippy" :D

Have fun at the race and let´s hope that Rasmus can nail that warping bastard....
im not afraid to say is not the server some1 causing that . as i said in practice i was getting ddossed is this server , my connection its 101% always stable and discord didnt crash i was trying in qualy to join a public server and comeback , x3 in a public server my ping was normal and in here was 180+ high . its been 3-4weeks in this server on wednesday if you look my race's every time 200+ high ping on my side . feels like some1 is sending packets to some players ip when they are loaded in
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im not afraid to say is not the server some1 causing that . as i said in practice i was getting ddossed is this server , my connection its 101% always stable and discord didnt crash i was trying in qualy to join a public server and comeback , x3 in a public server my ping was normal and in here was 180+ high . its been 3-4weeks in this server on wednesday if you look my race's every time 200+ high ping on my side . feels like some1 is sending packets to some players ip when they are loaded in
No ddos or anything, I recorded a LOT of stats tonight and for some reason the server-manager.exe, which is the ACSM premium version for us, has CPU load spikes.
One of the internal application CPU threads shoots up above 10%, which is the maximum it can be with an 8 thread CPU (100% / 8 = 12.5%).

Every time this happens, the server log shows a UDP package time out, followed by a warning message: "CPU Overload detected, catching up now!".

The question is what this means exactly and where the CPU load comes from.

When your ping shot up, you probably were the one with the UDP time out, which mostly showed values between 120-350ms.

I'll go through my records over the next days and try to find issues with the configs etc.

Sorry for all the talking. It helped though! :)
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Felt like Race control :roflmao:
When I started practicing this on in the MX5, I found it to be quite boring :cool: , but racing here was okay.

Qualy: pb'd, so that was allright, but not the pace of the frontpack here.

Race: Made it through the first corners, not killing anyone, staying alive, racing with Wayne and Jason, until the chicane in the back where Thomasz and Wayne collided, Jason couldn't avoid them and me then entering the side door of a spinning Thomasz :cool: . So, after hugging Jason and the wall a little bit more, back to my standard first lap procedure; playing catch up again. Chasing Jason, Steve and Han with David in my mirrors.

After seeing Han do a nice double overtake on Steve and Ricardo, I tried to catch them as well with a little more pace, but i just couldn't get by them, so decide to go for the undercut and pitted. Exitited the pit a little overly excited, spun, and had to let them all pass again... my bad.

Last part of the race, tried to stay out of the claws of William the Hunter, who got bigger in my mirrors lap by lap. After some nice fighting/defending and a decent dragrace on the long straight, he showed me how to take that last chicane, nice work man!

Finished the race with not too much damage, enjoyed the chat's on the radio. Only for seeing David warp in my mirrors when he saw me warping, I didn't notice that much warping tonight. Had some jitters on my local side so it seemed, but no big problems.

I hope we'll get this warping sorted out, way more fun without it :) , so thanks Rasmus for diggin' deep and thanks Han for your endless effort.

Congrats to the podium, Reik and Thomas owned this one with Ernie beeing steady as ever!

See you next week!
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Damn Han,

you don't sound like youre an old age pensioner for 50 years :O_o:
Because that's the stuff my progenitor showed me in the 1970ies :p
Yes, I wrote my first computer program in Fortran4 on punch cards in school in 1980.
When I started working with an IT company in 1986 I programmed in COBOL on an IBM Mainframe.
No lagging of warping there:p!

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