AC Multiclass Abarth500/Mazda MX5@Batangas, Wed 2nd August 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
That was fun! As I wrote above, I really like this track. feels like quick racing here, hit or miss turns and gain or lose with milimeters etc. Love it!

I PB'd on monday, so that doesn't count I guess :cool: but Q was okay and got me a nice 5th place on the grid. Survived the first part of the first lap and then got me into some kind of sandwich in the left hairpin, not shure what happened, I'll check the replay if I did summink stupid >> (open W3IRD CODING) IF: YES >> GOTO >> SORRY;;;(enter) IF: NO >> NO PROBLEM (close W3IRD CODING//) <<

(edit after replay: lap 1, left hairpin: I did a little (too?) wide line with Robert on the inside and Han on my right turning in to the racing line, so I scratched Han port side, luckily he could go on, after the sandwich for me it was chasing from the back, again)

Anyway, had some good laps racing with a few different guys, Thomas, Kimi, Allan, Robert, Raul, good fun there. Chances for me to feel (close) racing with other, tried some overtakes, some worked actually :cool: and did some lawn mowing here and there. That was a sham, because I had a decent (race)pace around here. It must have been my gazillion-and-thirty-six laps I did on the practice server hehe.

Congrats to Jason, Jaari and Callum with the podium. Thanks Han and thanks everybody I got to share some close turns with!

See you next week.
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Boy, that was one hefty race... this track is a 'Senna Tunnel'. You have to get in a trance-flow to go fast and you can't get your eyes off the road or you'll end up in the grass. The straight is also barely long enough to have a gulp of water so, it was quite an exercise on focus. But my word it was fun! :laugh:

I had my usual starting place after qualy, also managed to learn a better line watching others so that helped my race a bit. I had a decent start, not losing places and profiting from others' misfortunes. I dodged a few bowling pins and got up 3 places at the end of the first lap. I held to that for a bit and even climbed a bit further when two others went mowing the lawn ahead of me. I followed suit however, when I overshot the last corner... I just couldn't get that entry consistently right and that hurt my efforts a few times. Still, I had fun scraps with Han, Andre and Boukah during the race, was great guys! :D I had decent pace and I managed to find consistency on the last stint, which payed off when Boukah and Han went off-roading while chasing each other and I got up to P5 at the end, P4 in class. I was happy with that, although we had several disconnects... that was a bummer.

Still, it was a fun event, congratulations to the winners and podium finishers, and thanks Han for organising, great choice of track man, keep 'em coming! :thumbsup: Hope you guys have a great race next week, I'll be away on a short holiday but will be back for the following one. :coffee: Cheers lads!
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What a nice track! These are the tracks i can get into a rithm in a short non practice way. The practice was nice and qually also. P1. But the race was not so much fun.

The start was good with Allan on my inside in the first corner, this went very wel because normally we can run next to each other a whole race.... except for this race. We colided in the last chicane having a racing incident with no one to blame.

From there one i was overdriving the car and made mistakes until my router desided to kick me out of contention.

Later on this day a new router is arriving leaving my old router to go for a swim in the pool... grrrr

Anyway... it was good to see I still can be quick in a field which is getting faster and faster every week. Good fun!

Thanx for organising Han!

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