[QUOTE = "Salut Gilles, palo: 1717790, membro: 50875"] Open Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ \ \ f12013 tracce in comune \ difficoltà \ 2013 \ ai_track_difficulties.xml in Blocco note. Si tratta di un file di testo.
Conservare una copia di backup da qualche parte, ed è possibile modificare tutti i numeri di qualsiasi livello in ogni riga pista prima di ogni sessione (lanciare il gioco dopo che avrete salvato il file). [/ QUOTE]
Non capisco
but i do not understand how chamging the qualification or practice only............. I can give a example please ?????????????
First of all, English only is the rule at Race Department's Forums (good thing you did translate your question in English, though, but please stick to the rules at all times).
1- Backup your existing ai_track_difficulties.xml file.
2- Open that file using Windows Notepad.
3- Search the line for your next qualification or practice track (for example, "monza")
4- Go to the number next to the level you're going to drive at your next gamestart.
5- Reduce that number by 0.10 (for example, if Professional # is 0.6465739, edit it to 0.
6- Save the ai_track_difficulties.xml file.
7- Close Notepad.
8- Start the game, go to Monza, select Long Week End - Full Qualifying (for FP3, Q1, Q2, Q3, and Race) or Short Week End - Full Qualifying (for Q1, Q2, Q3, and Race).
9- If your newly lowered number is not satisfying, exit the game, and go reduce the number by another 0.10 (like step 5- above)
10- Repeat steps 6-, 7-, 8-, and 9.
11- Once you've find the right number for you and you want to do the race, exit the game, save your new ai_track_difficulties.xml file to a safe folder where you will easily remember, then go to where you saved your game's original ai_track_difficulties.xml, copy it back into the f12013\tracks\difficulties\2013 folder, and restart the game. From there, you go to do the race.
Autosave must be turned ON for all these steps.