Hi everyone, there is a way to add new teams into the game?
I'm looking to make a new database with custom teams and 'powers' for an online handicap league (of course everyone that drives in the league must have this custom database in order to play together, in F1 2011 I had a custom database because of a mod, like a friend of mine, and we could play online together, so I expect that this also works in F1 2012)
My idea is to making a new teams, for example making a new folder in the 'cars' main folder of the game, with a custom name (e.g: mm2) that contains the files of an existing model (e.g: I duplicate the ferrari's model into this new folder), I add it somehow in the database and then I use it in the game..
I'm sure that I can't extend the pit lane, and looking that we are in 16 players, the idea would be to make 16 different teams (where 2 teams shares the same 'box' to make the pit stops), where every team has his name of course, that can have the same skin of another of this teams (we also have constructor championship).. every teams has only one car xD
thanks in advance guys