BTW this was very easy. I just had to take my existing parts in Fusion 360, create a sketch of the face of each plate and then export that sketch as a DXF file. Then I just dragged my 6 DXF files to their add parts page.
Once there, I could just click on each drawing, add to cart, pick the material and thickness and it creates a price on the spot. Discounts are at 20% at 2 parts, 40% at 10 parts, 50% at 50 parts, 60% at 100 parts and 60% at 1000 parts. That's the reason I have 10 of the parts that I needed 8 of. It was cheaper to buy 10.
Having laser cut parts is great as long as the parts are all flat. I omitted the angle and that much reinforcement may be overkill. I don't think a 3/4" thickness of bolted together 6061 aluminum plates will bend that much and 4x M8 bolts per corner should be enough to secure this to the chassis.
I'll still need to bevel the 6 x M6 holes on the back of each of the 4x caster plates before I can assemble all 4 corners and try this out. I have M8x30 socket head bolts and I can make sure everything works before taking the time to bevel the 32x M8 holes on front plates to make the bolts flush.
The reason I didn't have them drill all the bevels is that it would more than double the cost of the parts and bevels are very easy given the holes are already cut. It's $3 per hole no matter the quantity. So the Caster plate that is about $11.25 each with 6 holes would become $29.25 each. So $46.44 would become $118.44. In addition the 4 hole grip that I ordered 10x would need to be beveled on different sides for the left and right sides. So it would be come two orders of 4 parts to specify which side the bevel is cut. So the part cost would go from $4.92 each to $6.56 + $12 for bevels = $18.56 more than tripling the cost.
If for some reason this did seem to flex too much, rather than adding angle to the back, I could also have the back piece made of 1/4" stainless steel which is something I could never have done in my shop, but I could do this in the maker space. Surprisingly SS(304) is only about 50% more than aluminum(6061). Or I could even have it made from 1/4" Titanium at about 1200% the cost, or 3mm Carbon fiber for 300% the cost.
With laser cutting I could have been a lot more creative in how everything is cut, because intricate cuts are effectively free. I designed this with the idea of machining it myself. But the next time I do this, I'll likely design it without concerns for whether I could manage something myself.