rF2 Mak Corp Group C @ Silverstone - Thu 31 Mar 2022

rFactor 2 Racing Club event

Denis Betty

The older I get, the better I was.
Club Staff

Welcome to the rFactor2 racing club! This is the place to be for relaxed, friendly racing and our events are open to everybody from rookies to the seasoned pros. You will always find people around your level to battle with, so jump on in! If you need any help then don't hesitate to ask on Discord... there's no such thing as a stupid question!

All premium members can sign up for this event. Sign up below and make sure to tag fellow community members who you think are up for a challenge!

Join us: Not a premium member yet but interested in racing with our group of friendly drivers? Click here for more information

Racing Club Rules: Click here
Server Password: historx

We highly recommend that you join us on Discord, and that you use an app called Crew Chief. It's an audio spotter that tells you when cars are alongside, greatly increasing your awareness and reducing unnecessary incidents. You can download it here.

Voice chat is on Discord. Please join us - we'll do our very best to make you feel welcome - MORE INFO

Server Name:

Cars: Mak-Corp Group C Mod (Steam)

Track: Silverstone 2012 (Steam)
Layout: Historic Chicane

Practice: 19:00 UTC (20 minutes) UK clocks went forward on Sunday so we are starting this event at 19:00 UTC. This is still 20:00 UK local time.
Qualifying: 19:20 UTC (10 minutes)
Warm Up: 19:30 UTC (5 minutes)
Race 1: 19:35 UTC (25 minutes)

Race 2: 20:05 UTC (25 minutes)

Entry List - 25 slots
  1. Denis Betty
  2. slideways
  3. Redvaliant
  4. Jack Smith
  5. SimApprentice21
  6. Daniel R.
  7. max1966i
  8. Jim Carvalho
  9. pattikins
  10. Ole Marius Myrvold*
  11. rockracer
  12. Luca Ciarfella
  13. Theo van den Brink
  14. Free slot
  15. Free slot
  16. Free slot
  17. Free slot
  18. Free slot
  19. Free slot
  20. Free slot
  21. Free slot
  22. Free slot
  23. Free slot
  24. Free slot
  25. Free slot
UTP #-46

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Historic racing is famous for the gentleman racer era and that is the kind of atmosphere that I'd like to foster in the club. Please take time to read these web pages and try to get an understanding of what racing in this club is/should be all about.


The Guide to Road Racing, Part 8: Passing Etiquette - Winding Road


Golden Rule
  1. Be 100% sure it's not your fault and just carry on like nothing happened and take the risk of being banned for 30 days.
  2. Play on the safe side and wait for the affected drivers, knowing 100% sure you will not get a ban.
Track limits
  1. No more than 2 wheels over the white/yellow line without a complete lift of the gas please if it is safe to do so.
    You will be penalized if you break our rules
  • Note: Please use your full real name in game and on Discord. Not doing so may result in you being kicked from the server if an admin cannot identify you as a premium member.
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I'm in thanks. Two group C races in a few days = masochist/optimist:cautious:
Aw for heavens sake I'm a numpty (again).
I didn't check mate coz I just needed to get something up sharpish.
Sorry about that, not really a problem as there's very little crossover atm but I woulda held off if I'd noticed. :rolleyes:
Ooh, group C. This could be fun, sign me up
Welcome aboard Jimlaad. :)
Good thing this isn't multiclass?

After an enforced week off I have decided to break the habit of a lifetime and schedule an event which might end up being popular with somebody other than myself.
I will of course be trundling around at the back of the field, chivvying along any waifs and strays I find along the way. If only the 2CVs had been more popular. :rolleyes:
Just kidding - never let it be said that I don't try to provide a bit of variety. :)

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