rF2 LMP1 Showdown @ Bahrain - Fri 26 Aug 2022 *All Free Content*

rFactor 2 Racing Club event
Hey, yes my friend is a race engineer and is now with niesen racing and glickenhaus. So my fingers get crossed for them now.
Dragonspeed times were cool, unfortunately their lmp1 turned out not to be as good developed as they hoped....but yeah, journey goes on...

Hope to meet him next year at le mans. Its been to long....

Oooh. Hang on. So your friend is still working with Ben Hanley then, even after they both left DragonSpeed. Interesting!

As a (really cool) sidenote:
Through my friend me and @max1966i got in contact with Ben Hanley to have him in our team in a german endurance league we do...
Well, he agreed. He never had the opportunity to race with us in the past due to real life duties (racing etc.), but he built us setups for three of the past races. It´s pretty cool, the setups were quicker but, more importantely, very stable throughout the whole stint, leading into very consistent performances. And of course having a chat with a person like him about racing and so on is pretty interesting always, also in terms of working with a simulator...

Hope he will make it to a race this year, that would be freaking awesome....like a ProAm team virtually with me and Malc being the AM´s of course. LOL

Ok. So... I am now officially extremely jealous. And regretting not jumping in with you two in that German series :roflmao:
The "Ben Hanley"-story is one that I really love, it's an old school thing happening in modern times. How awesome!
Oooh. Hang on. So your friend is still working with Ben Hanley then, even after they both left DragonSpeed. Interesting!

Ok. So... I am now officially extremely jealous. And regretting not jumping in with you two in that German series :roflmao:
The "Ben Hanley"-story is one that I really love, it's an old school thing happening in modern times. How awesome!
Yes Ben and him are now at nielsen racing.

He's a very nice guy. Calm and down to earth.

You have to see, especially endurance racing, as a big family....there is nearly no rivalry between people...one reason I like it too. Everybody worked with everybody one day.

Also had contact with Hedman, but he does not own a Simulator and uses Sims only in a facility who offer this.
Yes Ben and him are now at nielsen racing.

He's a very nice guy. Calm and down to earth.

You have to see, especially endurance racing, as a big family....there is nearly no rivalry between people...one reason I like it too. Everybody worked with everybody one day.

Also had contact with Hedman, but he does not own a Simulator and uses Sims only in a facility who offer this.
I still don’t see your signup for tonight Daniel, what are you waiting for ;)
Unfortunately the cars are undriveable for me, the framerate just drops too much when the game has to render multiple cars, tried to drive a bit on the practice server but alas no luck. Have a nice race tonight!
try lowering graphics settings, there is a huge number of sparks that can be disabled when you disable special effects
I can assure you my graphic settings are already at the lowest, there's just something in rF2 that causes performance to tank on my PC compared to any other racing game. Though I do get to enjoy those late 90's graphics again thanks to everything being on low ;)
That was good fun indeed although I made it harder for myself that it needed to be. Found a nice setup and pace seemed to be really good in practice. Quali didn't really go well, track felt slippery, just managed to get a lap in that was half a sec slower than my PB that was done with 3 times the fuel.
Race start was a bit chaotic. Tried to go overly careful into T1 and saw Jan shooting to the inside just when I wanted to turn in. Had to open up again and got stuck on the outside. Got passed by Dean as well and already had Jonas on my side. Sorry for turning into you a bit braking into T4 my bad :( .
Got past Dean shortly after and started my chase of Jan who was a few secs ahead already. Caught up quickly though and wanted to save tyres and stay behind for a while when his rear brakes got him into T1 and I could just go past. He pitted early so I had Dean behind me again. Lost my rythm and mixed some good laps with really bad ones so the gap went up and down and shrinked to two seconds at some point before I could gain a little again. This went on until shortly before the pit stop that went flawless. Got out with a 14 sec lead and just had to survive the last 10 mintutes.

Edit: Also sorry to Dean, after watching the replay I saw I fought a bit too hard in lap 1, sorry mate. Great race!
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