This is worth the read from the Official Forums on a discussion regarding bringing back the OTM for the FW31
Not from me btw...
Lately I've been testing the F1 cars from various other sims. rf2, Netkar pro, Pcars, game stock 2012, Ferrari Virtual academy, and the iracing Williams is the worst of them all by FAR. It is the ONLY one that cannot use realistic gear ratios because of the laughable lack of grip, which forces us to use arcade gear ratios. This issue has existed from the car launch even with the OTM, which is absolutely disgraceful.
You would think during initial testing, the 'engineer's' would have noticed how undrivable the car was with realistic gear ratios, and that it maybe was indicating there was insufficient rear grip issues, but no, apparently they did not notice or think it was important, and have not addressed this issue in the 3 years since it was released, which really puts into question the ability and dedication of the physics staff, which does not correlate with the hype and image of the service if they can tolerate such clear and crucial physics flaws for so long.
Have not even got to the best part yet. At least the above issue was tolerable with the OTM, but with the introduction of the NTM to the F1, an even worse physics flaw was introduced with the excessive lateral grip drop off with wheel spin. So without enough lateral and longitudinal grip, the F1 car slides around like a rally car on dirt, with the throttle acting like a rudder on a boat. Its so bad that realistic race starts are not even possible and require the drivers to slip the clutch with the excessively tall 1st gears, to avoid spinning out because any wheel spin results in the car losing all stability and spinning out, and even exiting the pit lane is a challenge because of the cars desire to want to spin out with even the slightest combination of steering and throttle.
The handling would be an embarrassment for a rf mod, let alone for the self proclaimed pinnacle of iracing with direct support from Williams. What a joke. None of the other F1 sims have these major issues not one of them, and its really mind boggling how iracing with so many resources has been able to achieve them, and force its members to tolerate them for so long, not weeks or months but years, its an embarrassment.
I think they should stop wasting their clearly limited resources in releasing new cars and instead focus on FIXING the already existing cars until they are of a competent standard. We are not asking for anything fancy like weather, live track, flat spots, realistic tyre wear and temps, god knows how many decades that will take, we just want the basics done right, and if you can't do it right then fudge it until you can do it right because members deserve a lot better for their money.
Iracing If you don't know what you are doing, just install Ferrari Virtual Academy, and use that handling as your template, and play around with the physics until you get it as close as you can, and there you go. Was watching the DWC Silverstone race, and the amount of hack sawing at the wheel and sliding that was occurring in the last sector was hilarious. It was literally totally opposite to a real life fast lap which is smooth and almost devoid of countersteer. They just line up the corner, with precision and sail through it, which is why they are a joy to drive, while ours is a nightmare.