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Thanks community for your continuous support, you're awesome
Hello to everyone, Just a quick intro about myself. First and foremost, glad to be part of this great sim racing community. This is the place for all things virtual racing for sure. Assetto Corsa is the main reason why i decided to start the engines once again after a few couple of years taking a break from the scene. Old school here. Started way back with a Commodore 64 title called " Revs ", now you have an idea how long i've been a Simmer. Most likely is way before anyone can remember but for sure if there was a racing simulation on the market I was on it. Most memorable would have to be " GPL " ( the original long before they came out with updates for it. ) Likewise, " RBR " was my " Precious " for a long long time. I was part of iRacing but after a while decided to venture into the open world racing MMO where speed was the name of the game. As of today LA Canyons for Assetto Corsa will be my goto open world racing home. I just purchased both Assetto Corsa and the full Vip version of LA Canyons and i have to say that's all i need for my adrenaline fix, and the awesome " Shotoku Revival Project " as well which is an amazing accomplishment for open world racing. With those 2 projects, who needs Forza Horizon ? Perhaps will look into TDU3 if it meets my requierements -that is, If they bring back the original HC mode, unadulterated, from the PC version - then we're talking. TDU to this day is my all time king of the hill.

Looking forward to seeing all of you online soon. I plan on making a comeback to the online open world racing community once I get a few things in order. Until then , take care everyone.

Catch you all later.
Hola a todos:
Mi nombre es Hernán y soy de Argentina. Soy fanático de los juegos estilo Rfactor, Project Cars, Assetto Corsa, etc. Los mods que más me gustan son los de fórmula 1 clásica de los 70, 80 y 90. De hecho prefiero más los antiguos diseños que había en los coches de Formula 1 que los actuales.
Actualmente me encuentro estrenando el rfactor2, del que logre conseguir una versión que corre muy bien en Windows 8.1, así que estoy descargando mods para el Rfactor 2.
Saludos para todos desde Argentina
Hi all!
I'm Raffaele, italian living in Switzerland, quite new to Simracing and RD, I found your community really interesting and providing and invaluable support ( not always but in a lot of cases :p / no, it's a joke! ).

Can't wait to see you on rF2 track!

Real name is Wayne, North Coast NSW Aus.
Played on console for years but trying out AC and R3E, currently with controller awaiting some Thrusmaster gear.
Not in multiplayer as of yet still learning so not about to go ham and wreck everyone’s day.
Favourite Cars = Porsche (No surprise there).
Also into Surfing and Bass Guitar.

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